What if....pt 2

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(Leave a comment if you are confused on what happened in these past 2 chapters and I will explain :) didn't mean to confuse people! I wrote about a universe where sky gave Jordyn the tour instead of Ben when she first joined and these 2 chapters are here thinking about what would've happened. And then at the end of this chapter she stops imagining and it's back to real life!)

Jordyn POV:

"Please come visit me. Right now." I said to Parker on FaceTime.

"J I can't. You know I would if I could." Pried said.

"I don't know what the hell is happening! I need my brother here." I said.

"Ok so both Sky and Ben like you?" Parker said.

"Yes. And they both told me. Like 2 minutes apart." I explained.

"So who are you going to pick?" Parker asked.

"How can I pick? They are both 2 of my closest friends!" I said. "I mean, Sky I met first, and I've kinda felt a spark with him. But Ben, wow. I get lost in his eyes. And he just makes me feel something I've never felt before. There's definitely a spark with him too. Ugh this is so annoying. Why can't they just hate me?" I said throwing my face into the pillow.

"So there's a spark with both of them?" Parker asked.

"Yes, maybe, possibly, I don't know!" I said.

"Who do you see yourself with?" Parker asked.

"I don't know! Ben maybe? Sky? This is hard." I said.

"You don't have to chose one of them. You can chose neither." Parker said.

"But, I don't know. I kinda like both of them." I said.

"Do what's best for you." Parker said. "I gotta go, I have lacrosse practice. See ya J."

"See ya blue, love you." I said and hung up. Why is this stressful. Who else can I talk to? I know!

Me: come down to my room now. Don't bring anyone

Josh: what are you going to kill me?

Me: possibly.

Josh came behind Sky, he obviously knows both sides. A couple of minutes I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and Josh was standing there holding a pillow in front of him.

"Josh what the hell are you doing?" I laughed.

"I brought a pillow for protection incase you try to kill me." Josh said.

"Josh come in here I need advice." I said pulling him in.

"Is this about Ben and Sky?" Josh asked.

"Of course! I don't know what to do. And this is all your fault! I don't know how but somehow it's all your fault!" I said.

"You like Sky and Ben." Josh said.

"Yes I know that. How did you know that?" I asked.

"I'm good at reading people." Josh said.

"Then tell me who I like more? Who should I pick?" I asked.

"Jordyn they are both my best friends." Josh said.

"And they are both 2 of my best friends." I said.

"Listen to your heart." Josh said.

"My heart is saying to run to China as fast as my legs will take me." I said.

"Well you can't do that because we have a show tonight. I don't wanna be involved in this." Josh said.

"Josh please!" I said grabbing his hand. "Please. I don't know what to do." I looked into his eyes and I could tell he really wanted to help.

"Ok fine. Listen. They are both great guys. You relate to Ben more. You two are like a summer rain." Josh said.

"So date Ben?" I asked.

"I didn't say that. Jordyn I can't tell you who to date." Josh explained.

"Would it be bad to chose neither?" I asked shly.

"No. It's your life Jordyn. Make the decision that's best for you." Josh said.

"I don't want to hurt anyone." I said. Josh grabbed me in a tight hug. "Why can't life just tell me who to date? Like give me a sign!" I said. Then there was a knock at the door. I looked up at Josh, eyes widened. "No way." I said. I went and opened the door and Sky was standing there. "No way." I said.

"Jordyn listen I just wanted to say sorry." Sky said.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"For throwing all this on you. It's not fair and I'm sorry." Sky said rubbing his fingers through his hair.

"Wow this was perfect timing." Josh laughed.

"I just want you to know that you don't have to pick one of us. You can love whoever you want." Sky said.

"Thanks Sky." I said. I want to hug him. Hug him like I have been without it being awkward.

"So um...I'm just gonna...uh...go..." Sky said.

"Sky wait!" I said. He stopped and turned around. I ran up and grabbed him in a hug. "Thank you for always being there for me."

"I would do anything for you." Sky said.

"I know. And that's what makes this even harder to say. Listen I-" I started.

"No I get it, you like Ben. It's ok." Sky said, he looked so depressed.

"No you didn't let me finish! I just...I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. I want to focus on life right now and the show and I'm sorry. But you are one of my closest friends. Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you." I said. I kissed his cheek and turned and went back to my room.

"Did not see that coming." Josh said.

"Josh can you please just....hold me." I said. He opened his arms and I ran up and gave him a hug. Am I making the worst decision.

*3 months later*

"Hey Ben, pass the popcorn." I said. It was our cast movie night and Ben was hogging all of the popcorn. He passed the popcorn down to me.

"Hi sorry we're late!" Olivia said. She was followed by Katie.

"It's ok! The movie just started. But don't expect any popcorn, Ben ate almost all of it." Josh laughed. Olivia walked over and sat down next to Ben he kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. I felt my heart fall down into my stomach. Katie sat down on top of Sky and gave him a kiss. I should've picked one. Now I can't have either. "Oh guys I just remembered I promised I would FaceTime my little brother right now. Can't let him down." I said and stood up and left. I couldn't watch this. It hurt too much. What I could've had. I heard footsteps following behind me.

"Jordyn!" Josh screamed running behind me. I turned around, tears forming in my eyes. He instantly grabbed me in a hug. I lost it. I couldn't help it. "Why am I so stupid." I cried. My heart is broken and I don't think it could be fixed.

Real life present day:

I squeezed Ben's hand harder.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just glad I met you." I smiled. He kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

"I love you Jordyn."

"And I love you Ben. Always and forever." I smiled.

"Always and forever." Ben said. If sky had given me that tour, I wouldn't be happy like I am now. I wouldn't have the best person in my life and have some of the best memories. I turned and looked at Sky. Sky. Oh my gosh. I understand how he feels now. Oh my gosh, the poor soul. I need to talk to him. Now.

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