Fixing Things

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Ben POV:

"I need to talk to her! I need to explain what happened!" I said to Josh. We were in my room and I was pacing around.

"What did happen?" Josh asked.

"I went out to the stage door and saw Marissa. I didn't want her to do anything that would hurt Jordyn so I went over to ask her to leave. When I went over she told me she wasn't leaving that she wanted to meet the cast and then she pulled me towards her and kissed me! I pushed her back and asked security to take her out but when that must've been right when Jordyn came out! And now I can't even fucking talk to her cuz Sky won't let me anywhere near her!!" I said.

"Did you try calling her?" Josh asked.

"Yes like 100 times. Wait, why don't you go talk to her! Explain what happened! Sky won't kick you out!" I said.

"How do I always get dragged into this?" Josh said.

"Please? Josh you know I love her and would never want to hurt her. Please." I said.

"Fine, but you only because I can tell you are really hurting." Josh said. He stood up and left. I threw myself down onto my bed. I can't lose Jordyn, I can't. This needs to be fixed. Wait a second, I have an idea!

Josh POV:

"Jordyn open up!" I said knocking on the door. Sky opened the door. "How's Jordyn?"

"Not really better, she's faking a smile though." Sky said.

"Why don't you take a break and I will stay here with her." I said to Josh.

"Jordyn, you ok if Josh stays here for a little bit and I head out?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. Hi Josh." Jordyn said. Wow, you hear the pain in her voice.

"See you later Jordyn." Sky said and he left.

"So Jordyn, I was talking to Ben and he explained what happened to me." I said.

"I don't wanna hear his excuses." Jordyn said.

"Jordyn he didn't kiss her! She kissed him." I said.

"Well from the looks of it he seemed to be kissing back." Jordyn said.

"Would he ever hurt you? He loves you."

"That's what I thought too. But apparently not."

"He didn't kiss her! She kissed him! If you had stayed out there for another like 2 seconds you would've seen him push her back and have security escort her away." I explained. Jordyn pushed her hair out of her eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes were red from crying.

"Josh, he hurt me. Do you not understand? He went behind my back and kissed this girl who has made fun of me since elementary school! I can't ever forgive him." Jordyn said. "Can we just drop it for now and watch the movie?"

"Yeah." I went down and sat next to her on her bed. "I'm sorry you are hurting Jordyn." I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my chest. "But just know Ben would never hurt you on purpose, he loves you too much." She didn't respond, she just watched the movie. Jordyn has become like everybody's little sister here. And everybody wants to protect their little sister. But Ben is also like our brother, how can you pick sides? How could Sky pick sides? Wait a second, does Sky still like Jordyn? Oh no? This could end badly. She's in a really vulnerable state right now. I can't let Sky be alone with her, who knows what could happen.

Ben POV:
I ran down the restaurant we had eaten at the first night we were here. The guy Austin that Jordyn had talked to was still there.

"Hey, aren't you Jordyns boyfriend?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, hey I have a question for you." I said.

"Shoot." He replied.

"Do you know a girl named Marissa?"

"Red eyes, devil horns sticking out of her head? Yeah I know her." Austin said.

"What's up with her and Jordyn?" I asked.

"They were best friends when they were little. All 3 of us. But because Jordyn had all brothers, she would sometimes dress like them. Marissa made fun of her and told her she wanted to be a boy and got the whole school to call her a boy. Jordyn got so mad that one day in art she cut Marissas hair. They have been sworn enemies ever since." Austin said.

"Go Jordyn!" I laughed.

"Marissa has been out to destroy Jordyns life ever since elementary school." Austin continued.

"That makes so much sense. Last night at the stage door she was there and when I went over to ask her to leave she kissed me. And that moment was right when Jordyn came out. Jordyn went back in before she saw me push her away and get security. So now Jordyn hates me and won't talk to me so I can explain what happened." I explained.

"The one person who is always able to get through to her is Parker." Austin said.

"I know but he won't answer my calls. Do you know where Marissa is or where she would be at this time of day?" I asked.

"Actually I know exactly where she is. Table 7 with her posey." Austin said. I thanked Austin and went back to table 7 to see Marissa.

"What the hell is your problem!" I asked her.

"Um may I help you?" Marissa asked.

"Why the fuck did you kiss me last night?" Ben asked.

"See ladies, guys always want more." Marissa giggled.

"I know you are doing this so you can hurt Jordyn. But listen here, I love her and I will fight for her. You think you won this battle against her but you didn't because in the end Jordyn is going to end up with me and you are going to be sitting here still alone with nobody." I said.

"What is your problem?" Marissa asked.

"You are my problem. You hurt Jordyn, we will destroy you." I said.

"Oh I'm so scared of the dancing little boy." Marissa said sarcastically. I grabbed her water and dumped it on her head.

"WHAT THE HECK!" She screamed.

"Whoops, guess my hand slipped." I said. I turned and left. When I walked past Austin he was dying laughing and he gave me a high five. Now I need to talk to Parker. Hopefully nobody else has talked to him yet.

Sky POV:

"You kissed her?!?" Chaz said.

"No! She kissed me!" I said.

"Sky, she's dating Ben." Chaz said.

"You mean the guy who stabbed her in the back and went and made out with her enemy? Oh yeah boyfriend of the year." I said.

"Sky I was out there when it happened. He didn't kiss her. He went up and asked her to leave and she kissed him. He pushed her back and asked security to escort her away. He didn't kiss her. He loves Jordyn Sky." Chaz said. Oh crap. So he didn't stab her in the back. I'm the back stabber here.

"I have to go fix this." I said. Jordyn and Ben belong together, that's how it will always be. I will never be with Jordyn, never.

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