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Jordyn POV:

I turned to look at Parker. His eyes slowly opened. I burst into tears, glad he was ok. My father went to get a doctor but me and Ben stayed.

"Parker! You're awake! You had me terrified!" I cried, smiling. Parker looked at me confused.

"Who are you?" Parker asked. Ben looked at me, concerned.

"Parker what are you talking about? It's me! Jordyn!" I replied.

"I'm sorry but I don't know a Jordyn...or a Parker." My face went blank. How can my twin not remember me? I started to cry again, but not tears of joy this time. My dad walked in with the doctor. Ben stood me up and took me to the waiting area.

"Why doesn't he remember me?" I cried.

"He probably just has amnesia Jordyn, he will remember you soon." Ben comforted me. I laid down, putting my head on Bens knees. My twin is very injured, could possibly die, and now he doesn't remember me. This day gets worse and worse.

"We were suppose to start filming our tour diary today." I reminded Ben.

"I know, I already emailed them and explained what's happening. They said we can start it when we go back on the tour. You don't need to worry about that right now." He assured me. My father came out to the waiting room.

"Is he ok?" I asked, still laying on Ben.

"The doctors say he is suffering from temporary amnesia. They said it shouldn't be permanent, it should only last about a week maximum they said. At any moment his memory could return. But until then, there is nothing we can do." My dad explained.

"Is he gonna die though?" I asked.

"No, they have him stable now. He's gonna be ok Jordyn." My eyes watered up with tears of joy. I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't made it. "I think you should go back to the tour Jor, if you fly out tonight you won't miss a show." I turned and looked at Ben, wondering what I should do.

"It's your choice Jordyn. They gave us the week to stay here but if you want to go back now we can." Ben told me.

"Can we stay tonight and I will make a decision tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course." Ben assured me.

"Ben, why don't you and Jordyn go back to the house for now then, get your luggage there. Ben you can stay in Parkers room." My dad said. I didn't want to go back in and see Parker before we left, I couldn't stand him looking at me and not recognizing me. We grabbed our luggage and got in a taxi. The cab took us to our house in New York City. When we got there we were greeted by Timmy and Luke. Timmy had a cast on his leg and was on crutches. Following Timmy and Luke were our Butlers and our Nanny.

"You really are Tiny Tim now!" I joked, giving Timmy a big hug. I gave Luke a hug and we went inside. One of the Butlers escorted Ben to his room and I went to mine. I walked into my room and put my luggage next to my bed. I sat down on the window seat and looked around. My walls were a light purple and I had a green bed spread. It felt weird being back here. I heard a knock on the door and looked to see Ben.

"Your house is huge!" Ben exclaimed. I never really thought of our house as big, but I guess it is really big.

"My dad owns a business, he has a lot of money." I told him. He came and sat down next to me on the bay window.

"So is this the room you and Parker used to have to share?" He asked.

"Yep, Parkers room used to be dads library. It was a total waste of space, nobody ever went in there. So it became Parkers room."

"Well this room is big enough to be 3 rooms." Ben laughed. It was true. I had a bed, a couch, a love seat, window seat, tv, dresser, walk in closet, desk, beanbag chair, and private bathroom. I never realized how big it actually was. "You never told me your family was crazy rich."

"Well you never asked. And it's not really something I talk about a lot." Our house had 4 floors, a pool, garden, tennis court, hot tub, and a basketball court. I never tell people about our money because I don't want people to think I'm some spoiled rich girl.

"You have 2 butlers and a nanny! This is crazy!" Ben laughed. "You have all the money in the world and everything you could possibly want. Why do you work for money still?"

"I don't work for money. Yes I have had jobs like being a waitress but it's not to make money. It's because I want to be normal. And I perform because it makes me happy." I explained.

"Well do you want to do something to get your mind off Parker?" Ben asked.

"Swimming. Let's go swimming. That always takes my mind off what ever is going on." Ben went down to his room to put his bathing suit on and I put one on too. I went out to the pool to see him already in the water. "Someone was excited to get in the pool!" I went to the diving board and jumped right in. Ben swam over to me and I put my arms around his neck.

"If only the fansies could see us now, they would freak." Ben laughed.

"I'm living the dream of almost every fansie." I smiled back. Staring into his eyes made me forget about everything that was going on. Lost in his eyes, his voice snapped me back to reality.

"Jordyn I think it would be best for us to rejoin the tour tomorrow." Everything got serious.

"But parker-" he cut me off.

"Parker is going to regain his memory this week and will be fine. I just think it would be best for you to get out of this environment. I can tell how stressful this is for you." I thought about what he said. It probably would be best for me to get out of here. But I can't abandon Parker, he's my twin. If this was me, he wouldn't have left me. Not even for a second. "I know how you fell Jo, I really do. If it was Emma lying in that hospital bed not being able to remember me I would be stressed too. But you need to take your mind off of it, for your own good. Being on tour will keep your mind off of him. There's nothing we can do." He was right.

"Fine. We will catch a plane tomorrow morning and fly back out. I just feel so guilty leaving him." He pressed his forehead against mine and his lips touched mine. I heard the door open and instantly pulled away. Luke walked out of the house and sat down on one of the chairs. I let go of Bens neck. "Luke, what are you doing here? Go back inside."

"It's just such a nice day out. So what are you two doing?" He asked. He is seriously trying to ruin this.

"We were just going inside. Come on Ben." Me and Ben got out and I shot my brother a death glare and headed towards the house.

"KEEP THE DOORS OPEN! THIS MAY BE A BIG HOUSE BUT I CAN ALWAYS FIND YOU." He screamed. This is making me want to go back to the tour right this second. Maybe it is for the better if I rejoin the tour...

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