Sky likes who?

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"Aw look at who finally caught up." Josh said.

"I thought he was over her!" I said.

"He was. But now he's not." Josh said.

"Thank you captain obvious." I said slapping the back of his head.

"Ok no need to take your anger out on me." Josh said fixing his hair.

"I'm not angry! I'm just kinda confused. Upset. I don't know. I feel lied to." I explained.

"When he said he didn't have feelings for her anymore he meant it. But the feelings came back." Josh said.

"Well can they go away again?" I asked.

"Sky would never do anything to break you and Jordyn up." Josh said.

"I know I know. He's my best friend." I said.

"Um excuse you." Josh said gasping dramatically.

"ONE OF my best friends." I said.

"Thank you. Continue." Josh said.

"Speaking of Sky, where did he go?" I asked. Josh got quiet and looked away. "Josh!" I said.

"Wellllllllll...." Josh started.

"Well what!" I said.

"Ok well him and Jordyn are going out to lunch. They planned it yesterday." Josh said and then picked a pillow up and held it over his face. "PLEASE DONT HURT ME IM JUST THE MESSENGER!" Lunch. It's just lunch right? Sky wouldn't hit on Jordyn. Right? Somebody say right! Oh wait I'm saying this in my head. Ok breathe Ben breathe. Nothing is going to happen.

"It's ok. I mean they hang out all the time, and they did when he had feelings for her." I said. But what, they did kiss....ugh this is stressful.

"Dude, he really liked Zoe. She broke his heart. Jordyns just kinda like a rebound from Zoe. He doesn't actually have feelings for her, he just thinks he does and is telling himself he does so that he believes he is over Zoe. His mind is doing this to him to lessen the heart break." Josh said. When did he get so wise? He must have read this somewhere.

"Stop being smart." I said slapping the pillow out of his hand.

"Thank you Josh for helping me feel better about Sky." Josh said mocking me. "Oh you are welcome Ben."

"Shut up, you were doing so well." I said.

"Let me talk to sky and get things worked out buddy. I promise everything is ok." Josh said. Let's hope Josh is right.

Jordyn POV:

I paced around my bedroom while Parker sat on my bed eating a sub.

"WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" I freaked.

"I don't see the problem." Parker said shoving his sub into his mouth.

"I THINK SKY LIKES ME AGAIN." I said knocking the sub out of his hand.

"Hey that was my lunch!" Parker whined.


"I'm only going to listen if you fix my sub." Parker said. What a diva. I put his sandwhich back together and handed it to him. "Ok I'm listening. Why do you think Sky likes you?"

"Because we went out to lunch and he was like sitting super close to me and smiling at me like he used to when he liked me. And since Zoe broke up with him..." I explained.

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