It Can Wait

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Josh POV:

It's time, time for Team Bacon to get revenge.

"Jordyn did you get the princess dresses?" I asked.

"Yes, they are in place." Jordyn replied.

"Did somebody text Nico and Zachary?" I asked.

"I did. From the burn phone." Ben said.

"Excellent." I laughed evilly.

"They should be showing up any second now." Ben said. We saw them coming and we ran and hid. They walked over and saw the dresses.

"Are you sure this is what they want us to wear?" Nico asked.

"Yep, this is what they told us to wear for press." Zachary replied.

"Princesses? Don't we just usually wear the blue shirts?" Nico said.

"I guess they wanted to mix it up? I don't know but we go live in 10 minutes so let's get these on quickly and get out there." Zachary said.

"I want the yellow one." Nico said.

"No I don't wanna wear the pink one!" Zachary wined.

"They are such divas" Ben whispered. Zachary finally put on the pink dress and they went out for their interview. We came out of our hiding spot and watched on the tv in the room.

"Please welcome our next hurts, Nico DeJesus and Zachary Sayle from Disney's Newsies!" The host said. And out came Zachary and Nico in their pretty princess dresses. All 3 of us started dying laughing. The hosts face looked really confused. "Interesting outfit choices guys." She laughed.

"This is what you guys told us to wear!"'Nico said.

"Um I don't think we did." The host said. Zachary and Nico looked at each other.

"JOSH!" They both screamed at the same time.

"Oh shit." I said.

"We better get out of here before they come back and want to kill you." Jordyn laughed.

"Yeah it was a team effort!" I said. "You two helped!"

"Yes but they don't know that!" Ben laughed.

"Yeah so running is probably a good idea." I said.  By the time their interview finished we were at the hotel. We sat in Ben's room and we're watching a movie when 2 very angry princesses burst through the door.

"We are going to kill you." Nico said.

"No you're not because you love me and I have to perform tonight and that's not a good idea." I said, standing up and holding a pillow for protection.


"It was a just a local channel!" I said.

"This prank war is not over, just you wait." Nico said and they turned and left. One second later Nico came back in. "Just kidding I'm staying here this is my room too. BUT WATCH YOUR BACK." Nico said.

Jordyn POV:

"Good luck babe." Ben said and kissed my cheek. It was time. We had fun this morning pranking Nico and Zachary but now it was time to get serious. I grabbed the microphone and went onto the stage.

"Hi! My name is Jordyn Lively and I am from Disneys Newsies. I am here today to talk to you about something really important to me. Here's a little about me first. I have 3 brothers and one of them is my twin. His name is Parker. Me and him have always been super close. Our mom left us when me and Parker were 8 and we have lived with just my dad. We also have a younger brother and an older brother. We are a very close family. One day while I was on tour, my brother Parker took Timmy out to get ice cream. They were in the car driving when another car hit my brother. The reason the other car hit my brother, they were texting. It was a 23 year old girl who hit them. The text she sent was to her boyfriend. The text read Can't wait to see you at dinner tonight! Love you babe" She never saw him. He was going to propose to her at dinner. My brother survived, but barely. My brother lost a lot of blood but my younger brother only broke his leg. Parker was in a coma and when he woke up from it, he had amnesia. Do you know how hard it is to sit by your twins side, the person who is your other half, and when they finally wake up they look at you and don't know who you are? It was like I was a stranger to him. Texting while driving doesn't just affect the you, it affects everyone around you. It affected the man who was going to propose who is now in deep depression and thinks he will never find love. It affected me as I sat next to my brothers bed while he looked at me like I was somebody who he was passing on the street. It affected my boyfriend who I hurt because I was hurting. It affected my brother. He was a star athlete. Captain of the lacrosse team. He had a full ride to the college of his dreams to play lacrosse for them. He can't play lacrosse anymore. He lost his scholarship. I could go on and on but you are high schoolers and I remember sitting in those seats going 'ugh another boring lecture.' So I'm going to keep this short and simple. Texting and Driving is so dangerous. You may be thinking 'yeah I've done it before I'm fine.' Well that lady had done it before too. She thought she was fine. It can wait. I promise. Your life is more important than a text. Thank you guys so much for listening guys. Stay safe! And come see Newsies!" I smiled and ran off the stage as the people clapped.

"You were perfect." Ben said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I don't think I could've kept taking, it's just too emotional" I said.

"I think you talked about it perfect. I could see faces from back here and every single person was focused on you." Ben replied.

"Thanks love. We better get to the show. Call time is in 20 minutes." I said. We jumped in the über car and left.  I pulled out my phone.

Me: Texting and Driving speech was a success!

Parker: Glad you are getting success out of my misery

Me: oh I'm sorry that I am trying to raise awareness

Parker: oh hush. Good luck tonight J. Love you

Me: love you too
My brother had been an empty shell ever since the accident. He can't do what he loves the most. And I'm not there to help him. I think he's developing depression. He's just not the same Parker I knew before the accident. All this because that lady couldn't wait to send her text. All this heartbreak and pain. One text. One text changed my whole brothers life. One text that could've been sent later. It can wait.

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