The First Picture

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Jordyn POV:

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm on my phone. I turned off the phone and turned to look at the clock. 4:30am. It is too early to be awake. I dragged myself to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. Wake up Jordyn. We had to be on the bus to take us to the airport at 6. I needed to wake up so I can start getting ready. Maybe a shower will help. I quickly hoped in the shower and felt the cold water hit my skin. I suddenly felt wide awake. After my shower I got out and threw on my black booty shorts and red sweatshirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun, too lazy to actually do my hair. And besides, we were just getting on a plane. Who am I trying to impress? I packed all my things into my suitcases and double checked all the drawers to make sure I didn't forget anything. I came across Ben's hat in my dance bag while checking to make sure I had everything. I must have forgotten to give it back to him. I checked my phone and it was already 5:30. I went down the hall and down to Ben's room. Josh answered the door and let me in.

"You two almost ready to go get on the bus?" I asked.

"Ben can't find one of his hats. He's freaking out about it." Josh explained. I saw Ben frantically searching the room.

"Oh you mean this hat?" I asked innocently, pulling the hat out from behind my back.

"You little-" He cut himself off and laughed, grabbing the hat from my hand and putting it on his head. "Ok, now I'm ready." We grabbed our suitcases and headed down to the bus. Once on the bus, me and Ben sat together towards the back of the bus. I rested my head on his shoulder and put my feet on my seat.

"You excited for your first travel day with us?" Ben asked.

"I'm just exhausted." I replied. He grabbed my hand in his and rested it on his knee.

"Well we have an hour ride to the airport so you can fit in a quick nap." He said, resting his head on top of mine. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.


Jordyn fell asleep on me before the bus even left. I pulled out my phone and checked Instagram. I saw Josh has tagged me in a picture. I clicked on it and saw a picture of Jordyn on my back with my hat on. We were both laughing in it, that's the picture he took yesterday. I smiled looking at the picture, she looked amazing. I read the caption "How precious are these two?". Uh oh, fansies are gonna go crazy. I liked the picture and went to read the comments. Some of were nice but some were rude.








Some of the comments were super sweet, but others were rude. We hadn't confirmed we were dating on social media, but this pretty much confirmed it. I went through my tags and saw a lot of people reposted that pic. People were 90% sure we were dating. I put down my phone and turned to Josh who was sitting in the seats next to ours with DeMarius.

"Have you seen the comments on your picture?" I asked.

"Yeah, but don't sweat the mean comments. People can be rude. You two are cute together." Josh replied.

"I know.  Should I confirm we are dating?" I asked.

"If you want to. I know you are crazy for her, and the true fans will understand that." Josh said. I turned my head and looked at Jordyn asleep. I pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and then put my head on hers again. I felt a jolt as the bus started to move. I closed my eyes, and started to think. I want to tell the world about Jordyn, about how amazing she is and how much she means to me.  But I'm scared. I don't want people to give her hate. I know how rude people can be, I'm not ready to see what people will say. I don't want people saying rude comments. I opened my eyes and raised my head. I kissed Jordyns forehead and looked over at Josh and DeMarius. They were looking at Josh's phone and smiling.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked.

"Hold on I will text it to you." Josh said. A minute later my phone dinged. I opened my messages and saw Josh had sent me a picture. It was of me and Jordyn sleeping on the bus. He literally took it 2 minutes ago.

"You are such a creep always taking pictures of us." I joked.

"I am your official photographer! I take pictures of you two so you can document your relationship." Josh laughed. I looked down at the picture, it was a cute picture. Even though I wasn't actually asleep it looked like I was. Should I post this? I could confirm we are dating. It will be risky. I'm gonna do it. I went to Instagram and pulled up the picture. "My sleeping beauty💖" I put as the caption. I tagged Jordyn and pressed post. I quickly got off Instagram and threw my phone in the bag. I didn't want to see what people would say. Well, there's no going back now. Jordyn opened her eyes and sat up.

"How long was I asleep for?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Um 10 minutes about." I replied laughing,

"Damn it." She said. I saw her grab her phone and start to unlock it so I took it out of her hand. "Ben what are you doing?"

"Just don't go on your phone right now." I nervously replied.

"Why not?" She replied. Um what do I say?

"Please, just don't. For your own protection please don't."

"Ben, what is going on?" I guess I have to tell her.

"Josh posted a picture of you and me from yesterday and some of the comments weren't that nice.  Most of them were super sweet but some of them were rude and I don't want you to read them. And then I just posted a picture and I'm scared to see what the comments are." I explained.

"Ben, I will be fine. I want to see the pictures." She insisted. I handed her back her phone. Unlocking her phone, she went right to Instagram. She went to Josh's picture first.  "Aw that's a cute picture! And I think I look much better in that hat then you do." She laughed, grabbing the hat off my head again.

"Am I ever going to get to wear my own hat?" I joked. She commented on Josh's picture "💖💖💖" then she went to my Instagram.

"Who took this picture?" She asked.

"Take a guess." I replied turning to Josh. She turned her phone away so I couldn't see it. I craned my neck to see her screen but she moved it away.

"Don't look!" She laughed. I grabbed my phone and checked Instagram. She left a comment on my picture "😘😘😘"

"Really? I couldn't look at your phone because you were typing that." I asked. She giggled and put her phone down. I put mine too, not wanting to look at any of the other comments. Jordyn snuggled up to me and I grabbed her hand in mine. I heard DeMarius start talking.

"And over here with have the lovebirds." He said. I turned to see DeMarius taking a video, I'm guessing for another one of his blogs. Me and Jordyn waved at the camera. "So what are you two up to?"

"Just sitting here. On our way to the airport." I replied. I didn't know what else to say.

"I need coffee!" Jordyn yelled to the camera.

"Jordyn Lively everybody!" DeMarius laughed.

"Hi Fansies!" Jordan smiled, waving.

"Tell everybody about yourself Jordyn." Josh said.

"Um well I'm 17 years old, I have a twin brother-" Josh cut me off.

"And she dating Ben Cook!" Josh added.

"And Josh is our biggest fan!" I joked. DeMarius turned the camera off. Jordyn pulled out her phone and looked at me, her face pale and eyes wide. "Jordyn, you ok?" She didn't respond, she just looked at me. "Jordyn. Jordyn what's wrong." Tears started to stream down her face. As she told me what happened, my face went blank and all I could think to do was grab her and hold her close. A tear dropped from my eye and into her hair. "It's gonna be ok Jordyn." I don't know if that's true or not, but that's what she needs to hear right now.

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