Chapter 1: Mystery Boy {Edited}

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I was running through the woods. My surroundings were none of familiar to me, but I had to find my eldest brother.

"Hashirama!" I cried out as my legs continued to move quickly.

I had no clue of where I was. I felt like I was running in a pitch black room, hoping to see the light which my brother would bring.

"Hashirama!" I yelled out loud.

No response, still darkness.

"Hashirama!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I huffed slowly regaining my breath.

I looked up and stared at the sky nervously. I couldn't find him.

I still have to try.

I looked around... All that was revealed to me was darkness, confusion... Everything looked the same.

I sat down and hugged my legs to my chest and started to rock back and forth. I was all alone.

"Hashirama..."  I started to cry.

"What's wrong little girl?" I looked up seeing a man.
He was a Shinobi. He didn't bring light. The darkness intensified.

I'm scared.

The figure moved closer to me. "What are you doing here all alone?" He questioned.

"I'm lost." I slowly wiped my tears looking up at him.

"Maybe I can help?" He extended his hand towards me for me to grab onto.

Should I grab onto his hand?

I stared at his hand. No good feeling was vibrating off of him. My heart was pounding so loud, I could hear it in my ears.

I don't think I should..

He saw my eyes shift and grabbed my small wrist pulling me close to him.

"Hey! Let me go!" I tried to squirm out of his grip. He was way too strong for an 11 year-old like me.

"What clan are you from?" He hissed ignoring my pleads.

"Clan?" I questioned quietly.

"Yeah Clan.  I can help you get home."  No I can't tell him I'm from the Senju.

It's obvious his intentions weren't good.

"Please let me go... I'm okay on my own." I said trying to get out of his grip.

"Are you sure about that?" He smirked evilly pulling his face towards mine..

I turned away trying to pull myself out of his grip, but it made him grip my wrist tighter and tighter.

"S-Stop!  It hurts!" I whimpered.

"A child like you shouldn't be on your own out here. There are predators.. Monsters... Like me..." He groaned throwing me against a tree.

"Arg!" I yelled in pain clutching to my arm.

"Since you won't tell me where you're from, I'll just kill you off."  He laughed wickedly.

I started to shake afraid of what would happen next.

"You can't run.  I'll catch you either way."  He smirked reaching for his weapon.

He lifted his katana..
Am I really gonna die?

I closed my eyes preparing for impact.

"Oof!" I opened my eyes seeing the man on the ground. There was a figure standing over the man.

I didn't feel such a dark presence from it.

"What the- What do you want kid?"  I heard the man growl.


"Leave...  Before I make you pay."  The boy growled at the man.

"You'll regret this kid."  He said and attacked the boy.

"No!" I yelled hoping the boy wouldn't get hurt.

The boy gave the man a kick to the head and knocked him out.

He's so strong...

"WHO'S THE KID NOW?!" The boy yelled at the man's body.

...And cocky.

"Are you ok?"  He turned to me.

Oh wow.. He was gorgeous.

"I'm fine." I said and blushed.

I looked at the boy.  He had dark hair with dark eyes and he was staring at me offering his hand.

I took it and got up.

"Im sorry for causing you so much trouble." I said looking down at the ground.

"That? It was nothing." The boy said looking at me. "I hope he didn't scare you." I stayed silent.

"Thank you.  I don't know if I'd be alive without you."  I looked up at him.

"Uhh... It was nothing." The kid said with a frown while blushing.

Silence filled the area.

"Uhh...  I should get going."  He broke the awkward silence.

"Yeah.  Me too."  I said dashing towards a direction..

I had no clue where I was going, but I just couldn't stand in an area like that.

I just kept running,
and running.

"Yoshima!  What are you doing out here?!"  I bumped into my father Butsama Senju.

"I was looking for Hashirama..."

"Hashirama has duties to fulfill...  You are the Senju clan's princess you shouldn't be out here alone!"  My father took my hand.


"We have to get you out of here now!"

My father was really overprotective of me..
What I really wanted to do is be a Shinobi...
I wanted to fight like my four brothers, Hashirama, Tobirama, Itama, and Kawarama.

I wanted to become really strong.  I wanted to prove to my father that I'm not weak.

~ ~ ~

Madara's P.O.V

I was trying to skip rocks across the river.

All I could think about was that girl.

Is she ok?  Is she safe?

Wait, why do I care?  It's not like I left her, she ran away from me!

Ugh!  That girl.  Why did I help her anyways?

Saving her was probably a big mistake...

"Next time I'll definitely send it to the other side..." I growled with a frown throwing the skipping stone up.

Hashirama's P.O.V

"Next time I'll definitely send it to the other side..." I heard a voice.  It was a boy.

Mystery kid, huh?

I picked up a skipping stone and threw it across the river.

The Mysterious boy realized my presence and glared at me.

"You should aim a little higher when you throw.  That's how you get the knack of it..."  I offered advice as the boy glared at me.

"I know that.  If I really want it, it will get there...!" He said holding the skipping stone frustratedly.  What a liar.

"Anyway, who are you?" He asked me.

"Currently, we could say I'm your rival in playing stone skipping...  Mine got to the other side, though." I said and the boy glared at me...

This would be the start to an interesting friendship.

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