Chapter 35: "Hello Yoshima."

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*5 Months Later*
Haru's P.O.V
I made my way to the main household and caught Yoshima smiling and skipping around.

"She's way too happy." I said.  I wonder why...
"I wonder why." Lady Mito said coming and standing beside me.
"Lady Mito!"
"Call me Mito!  Don't say Lady!" She said furrowing her eyebrows.
"But I feel it's respectful...  You are the clan leader's lover."
"We aren't married!  I don't want special treatment."
I sighed, "Okay."

"Maaaaaaaadddddaaaaaarrrrraaaaaaaa..." Yoshima said face planting into the ground.
"Yoshima!" Mito and I ran to her.

"Yoshima!  Are you ok?!" Mito asked.

Yoshima turned to us and got up quickly.
She gave a big smile, "Of course!  Why wouldn't I be?"

I felt my eye twitch, "Y-You just face planted into the ground."
"That's not a big deal!"  Yoshima said smiling.
"You could've gotten hurt!" I yelled.
"But I didn't!"

Just then I realized a cut on Yoshima's cheek, and blood slid down.

Her eyes averted to her cheek, "A cut?"

"AHHHHH!!!  MY FACE IS RUINED!!!  IT CAN'T BE TRUE!" She said clutching her head and tearing up.
"It's not that serious!" I said and she fell on her knees.
"Yoshima...  I have a question..." Mito said and we both turned to her.

"Are you pregnant?"
"PREGNANT?!" Yoshima dropped on the ground.

"It's not a big deal Yoshima.  You can heal that cut!" I said and Mito huffed.
"That's a waste!" She said.
"HOW?!" Yoshima yelled.
"It's not a serious injury!"
"I don't care!  I'm healing it!" Yoshima said bringing her hand to her face.
"I won't teach you about the seal!" She stopped.
"But-  but-  Mito!!!"  Yoshima started to sob.

"Is it your time of the month?" Mito asked.
"Why are you so moody?" I asked.

"MY FACE IS RUINED!!!  THIS IS SERIOUS!  I CAN'T FACE THE WORLD LIKE THIS!" Yoshima ran inside the main household.

What's gotten into her?

Hashirama's P.O.V
"Maaaaaaaddddaaarrrrraaaa!!!!" I slowly walked into his room and he was pacing back and forth.
"Can't talk.  Must think." He's acting weird... like Yoshima.
"What's wrong?"
"Can't talk. Must Think."
"Maybe I can help!" I said and his eyes widened.
"What does Yoshima like?!" He asked shaking me.
"Uh... You." I said smiling.
"Other than me!"
"Other than you!"
"Other than him!"

*10 Minutes Later*

"I'm dead serious Hashirama! Stop playing! This is urgent!" He said looking scared.
"Tomorrow... It's my 1 year anniversary with Yoshima." He said blushing and hiding his mouth with a hand.

"1 YEAR!!! ALREADY?!" I yelled shocked.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I looked in the mirror at the mark on my face.

"MADARA CAN'T SEE THIS!!!!" I said staring in the mirror.

"No!  It's a waste!" She said crossing her arms.
"Madara will think I'm ugly!!!" I said with a frown.

I felt a slap on my back.

"You think Madara will think your ugly because of a small cut?!"  Haru said with an angry look.
"Yoshima!  Are you really that insecure?" Mito yelled with her eyes widened.
"T-Tomorrow is a special day.  I want to look beautiful for Madara." I said feeling tears fall from my face.

Just then I felt a slap in my head.

"Idiot!  You are beautiful!" I rubbed my head and turned to the voice.
"Tobirama.." I said staring at the angry man.

"If Madara thinks you're ugly," Tobirama cracked his knuckles as a dark aura surrounded him, "I'll beat him into a pulp."

"...kukukuku..." Tobirama laughed evilly.

"You are beautiful, and there's no doubt about it." Mito said hugging me.
"You really are Yoshima." Haru said hugging me too.

*The Next Day*

"Yoshima. You look beautiful!" Mito said smiling in awe.
"But the cut-"
"The cut isn't a big deal!"

I was in a short white dress with short heels.
My hair was in a ponytail. I let my bangs fall covering the sides of my face..
Somewhat the cut too.

"You look like an adorable little girl!" Mito said.

"..Here we go again..."

Madara's P.O.V

I walked to the Senju compound holding flowers in my hand.

I can't believe I'm doing this..
But I truly love her... So I don't let this cheesy stuff bother me.

I took a deep breath as I reached the Senju compound.

I hid the flowers behind my back.

I made my way to the main house, and met Tobirama.

"I'll get Yoshima." He said leaving quickly.

After a moment, Yoshima came.

"M-Madara." She blushed and smiled.

My cheeks heated up seeing how beautiful she looked.

"Hello Yoshima." I said with a light smile.

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