Chapter 3: Iwa Senju {Edited}

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I walked into the main household to meet with my angry mother.

"Your father told me everything!  Why would you run off!?" My mother placed her hands on her hips probably thinking about 37 ways she could punish me.

My mother.
She had white hair like Tobirama and reddish orangish eyes like Tobirama.  She reaaaalllyyy looked like Tobirama...or Tobirama really looked like her.

"I wanted to look for Hashirama..."  I confessed and my mother rolled her eyes.

"Hashirama has duties to attend Yoshima!  What did you expect?"

"I know. Father told me that..." I said looking at my mother with a disappointed look.

My mom sighed, "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Mother...  I want to be a Shinobi!"  I replied. 


"Yes.  I want to battle in this war." I stated in a serious tone causing my mom to laugh.

"What's so funny, mother?" I asked her and she gave me a serious look.

"Your father is doing all he can to protect you in this war and you want fight!?  Yoshima, you are the future of the Senju!"  She said.

"Why do I have to be the future of the Senju?  Why not Hashirama, Tobirama or Itama?  I'm pretty sure they'd be better leaders than me anyway..." I said and my mom crossed her arms and sighed.

"You are probably really upset from Kawarama's death, Yoshima."

"I am upset about that.  Of course I am..  Kawarama was 7 and died fighting!  I'm 11 and just sitting here and not doing anything!"

"I want to help mother.  I want to help win this war.  Weren't you a Shinobi?" 

"That's not what we are talking about."  She shrugged off the topic.

"You are the princess of the Senju and that's it.  You can't change what your father wants.  You will be protected and won't become a Shinobi.  Just go cool your head, Yoshima."  She said closing her eyes in frustration.

I just left the room at that moment.

~ ~ ~

"If no one will help me become a Shinobi,  I'll become one myself!"  I said standing in the woods and started punching a tree.

"You want to become a Shinobi?"  I looked up to see the boy that saved me standing on a tree.

"It's you..." I said as my eyes widened. 

"Yes. It's meeeeeAAAAEEEEEEE!!" He fell down face planting into the ground in front of me.

"Are you okay?"  I asked and he gave me a thumbs up and slowly got up.  I giggled a bit and he quickly changed the topic.

"The Shinobi life isn't fun.." He rubbed his face as he blushed.

"As expected..  You are a Shinobi.." I sighed.  I swear I'm like the only one!

"And I'm guessing you aren't... What's your name?"

"I'm Yoshima. What's your name?"  I replied to the mysterious boy.

"I'm Madara... Meeting twice in one day, huh?"


"By the way, earlier you ran without saying bye!!" Madara said in an angered tone.

I shadow covered my eyes and a black aura surrounded me.

"I'm sorry.." I was just nervous.

"You remind me of someone." He put a thinking face.

"Who?" I asked interested.

"It doesn't matter. Maybe I can help you become a Shinobi.." He smirked.

"Really?!" I said with my eyes shining.

"First tell me, what's the main reason you want to become a Shinobi so badly?"

"I want to protect the loved ones I have left." I smiled softly.


"I lost my youngest brother today..." I said as tears formed my eyes.

"Don't cry.." He said wiping my tears.

"A shinobi must never show their tears." He said smiling at me.

I realized our faces were inches away.

"I-I'm sorry.. I should get going!" He said blushing and dashed away.

"We'll meet again Madara and when that time comes...I'll punish you for lying to me about helping me become a Shinobi and leaving without saying bye." I said as a vein appeared on my forehead while I clutched my fist.

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