Chapter 84: Broken Promises

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(Listen to Music while reading)

The two couples... In other words four friends and three children stood in front of a grave dressed in all black.

It was a bright and beautiful breezy day.

The little 5 year old girl stood in front of the grave holding flowers.

Tears streamed down her face as the wind blew moving her hair and a bit of the flower petals flew in the breeze.

"Mama..." She sat in front of the grave and placed the flowers down.

She started to sob.
Both parents were gone.
Her and her brother were alone.

"I'll miss you mama!" Yuki cried in front of the grave.

From above, the late brunette watched her daughter cry.

She softly smiled.

She put her forehead against her daughter's.

"I love you Yuki.."

Yuki quickly got up obviously not hearing her ghost mother.

Hideo slowly made his way to the grave.

"Aunty Yoshi..." He slowly cried.

"I'll never forget you." He left a couple more flowers on the grave.

The brunette smiled patting his head.

"Yoshima..." Miwa started to cry kneeling.

Miwa felt a hand on her shoulder to see Tobirama.

"What she is trying to say is Rest in Peace sis." Tobirama fought his tears to stay strong.

The brunette smiled down at the couple.

Miwa and Tobirama moved away.

"How dare you leave me..." Mito sat in front of the grave and teared up.

"I promised I wouldn't cry, but... You were my best friend, my sister... I can't believe you are dead. I'll meet you up there one day... But not so soon." Mito laughed crying.

Yoshima started to tear up a bit.

"Goodbye Yoshima." Hashirama placed one flower on the grave.

Yoshima smiled watching Hashirama leave holding Mito arm in arm.

"Mother..." Kuro stood in front of the grave.

"You broke your promise... I-I promise I'll keep mine. I won't forget to take care of Yuki. I'm sorry for being mean. I really love you." Kuro cried staring at the grave.

" Kuro cried staring at the grave

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The ghost hugged him crying.

"I love you too Kuro. I'm sorry for not keeping my promises. Thank you for everything."

Yoshima slowly removed herself from Kuro and started to float in the air.

Her tear dropped down on his face.

"Goodbye Mom." He let the tear slide down and he walked away from the grave.

Author's note:

I will make a sequel for the war part when they are brought reanimated.

For now, I guess this part is done.

The new book will be put up soon.

Thank you for everything!  You guys are awesome.

See you soon.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

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