Chapter 34: Love at First Sight

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Hashirama's P.O.V

"I think we should create a village." I said to Madara as we walked around the Uchiha compound.
"A village, huh?" Madara said.
"Sooner or later we'll all have families, and a village is the perfect place to keep them safe." I said.
Madara stopped walking and looked down.
"A family..."
"Yeah. You and Yoshima will get married, have children.."
"I see." He said with a light smile.

Madara and Yoshima have been with each other for over about 5 months.

"Building the village will take a couple years, but I'm willing to start building it next month. My wood style will be of good help for it, you know?" I said and Madara smirked.
"I'll inform the Uchiha about this. We will all help to make this village a reality." Madara said and I smiled.


Yoshima's P.O.V

"Yoshima!" Haru said smiling running towards me.
"Haru! How are you?"
"I'm good."

We cleared things. I'm glad.
He's my only friend. Excluding my brothers and boyfriend of course.

"Where's Madara?" He asked.
"Him and Hashirama have matters to deal with.  I was gonna make lunch for them."
"So you're busy?"
"Yeah.  Sorry Haru."
"It's ok."


"Madara is going to love this." I made a dish he loved, inarizushi.

I was walking towards the Uchiha clans main house.

I saw Madara and Hashirama eating watermelons happily.

I hid the food behind my back.

"Yoshima!" Hashirama said with a big smile.
"OY! Come!"  Madara said patting his lap.
I shook my head, "I'm fine standing."
"It must've been a long walk.  Sit Yoshima." Hashirama said and I still shook my head.

"You are still very stubborn, eh?" Hashirama said laughing.
"Hm?" Madara said confused.

He knows I'm hiding something!  I can't hide anything from Madara!

"Orange is a nice colour on you."
"Your Yukata colour." He said and I blushed.
"Thank you."

"So what's that behind your back?" Madara asked and my eye twitched.
"What are you talking about?"
"You are going to hide stuff from me?" I slowly brought the food out and gave each them what I made for them.

"Yoshima! Is this Mushroom Mixed Soup?!" Hashirama asked surprised.
"I love it thank you!" He said digging in.

Madara slowly opened his.

He's not gonna like it... Is he..

I was pulled onto Madara's lap.

"Eat with me." He said whispering in my ear. I felt my cheeks heat up.
"No! I made it for you. I bet you are really hungry from working that long."
"I still want to share it with you." He said and I blushed.

"Open up wide." I opened my mouth as he slowly fed me and himself.

The whole time, I could feel Hashirama smiling at me.
I was really embarrassed.

*1 Month Later*

I sat on the mountain watching Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara, and the other Uchiha and Senju work together.

"You are putting that in the wrong place, idiot!" Tobirama said to Madara as he placed the wood on top of another.
"No I'm not!" Madara said with an angered look.
"Uh...  Madara..  That's not where it's suppose to go."  Hashirama said and they all got into a huge argument.

I started to giggle a bit watching them argue.

"What are they building?" A feminine voice asked.
I turned to see a red headed woman.

"Eh...  Who are you?" I asked confused.
"I'm no enemy.  I'm Mito." She said with a light smile.

She has the seal.

"You!" I got up.
"You have the seal!  Like me!"  I said lifting my bangs.
"Ohhhh.  The Strength of a hundred.." She said and I nodded.

"You've used it before?" She asked me.
"Once.  Just to help heal a bit.  It was quite awhile ago." I said.
"I can help you learn more about that seal." She said with a smile, and I nodded.

Madara's P.O.V

I looked up at the mountain to see Yoshima talking to a red head.

We don't know no red head.

"Hashirama, do you know that person beside Yoshima?" I asked him and he shook his head.

An enemy then?

I quickly made my way towards Yoshima.

"Wait!  Madara!"

I put Yoshima behind me.

"Madara." Yoshima said.

"Who are you?  What do you want with Yoshima?" I yelled pointing at the red headed woman.

Hashirama jumped in front of me, "Madara!  Don't do anything rash!"

Hashirama turned around, "Who are... Yoouuuuuu?"
The tone of his voice changed.
"I'm Mito." She said.  Mito?  She must be a Shinobi.
"Mito is such a beautiful name..." Hashirama said in a weird tone.

Yoshima came at my side and I placed my arm around her waist holding her close.

"What are your names?" She asked smiling lightly.
"I'm Yoshima, he's Madara, and that's Hashirama." Yoshima said smiling.

"You guys are building a village?" She asked.
"Yeeeeaaaaahhhh..." Hashirama said.

He must have a crush.

"Hashirama!  She might be an enemy." I said and he turned back at Yoshima and I.
"Would an enemy look like this?" He said with a blush, making her blush.
"Enemies come in all shapes, sizes, looks..." I said and he rolled his eyes.

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