Chapter 48: "I'm Pregnant."

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Madara's P.O.V

"You think you did what?!"  I said shocked looking at Yoshima who was sitting on the futon.

We were home and it was a day after when Yoshima came back.

"I think I killed Shadow." She said and my eyes widened.
"It was raining. I did a water style Jutsu and he screamed..  I didn't see his dead body or anything because I ran away right away." She said and I smirked.

Then I started to smile, "That was the right thing to do."

"Even if you didn't kill him..  It sounds like he's seriously injured.  He won't be around for awhile." I said smiling at her.

"Did you tell Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito about your pregnancy?" I asked her.

"Uhhh...  No..." She said with an awkward look on her face.

"Was I suppose to tell them?" She said laughing awkwardly.

"I'll let you off this time." I said and pinned her down.

"We can tell them next week." I whispered in her ear seductively.


Yoshima's P.O.V

I walked out Madara and I's house happily.

I've finally build enough courage to tell them about my pregnancy.

"It's a beautiful day!  I'm finally going to tell them!  I already know how they'll be!" I said smiling.

Then I thought of Tobirama's reaction...

"No.  I can't do this.."  I said anime crying and backing away into the house.
"Idiot.  What are you doing?" Madara said holding me bride style.
"Crying." I said still anime crying.
"Are these your mood swings again?" He said looking down at me.
"No."  Still thinking about Tobirama's reaction.

"You are telling them today!  They'll kill me for not telling them earlier! How do you think Mito's gonna feel?!  Remember when she was pregnant she told you right away!" Madara said.

Then I started to think about an angry Mito.

"Let's stay inside forever." I anime cried and a vein appeared on Madara's head.
"We are going whether you like it or not!"
"NOOOOO!!!"  I whined as we left the Uchiha compound.


Mito's P.O.V

"Yoshima!  Tell them!"  Madara said as she sat in front of Hashirama, Tobirama, and I.

She stayed silent staring at us with a frightened look.

"Madara...  Why don't you tell us?" I said and he shook his head.
"She must tell you herself!"

"I...I'm...." She mumbled with a shaken voice.

"You are what?" Tobirama said.


"WHAT?!" Tobirama yelled.
"FINALLY!" I said cheering.
"YAAAAYYY!!" Hashirama yelled.

"Wait, since when?" I asked.

"A month ago." Madara said and silence filled the air for a few moments as we all had poker faces.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER?!" Tobirama yelled as Hashirama held him back.

I still had my poker face.

"Uhh....  Mito..."  Yoshima said nervously as I cracked my knuckles.

"Calm down, Mito."  Hashirama said in a worried tone.

"Aren't you upset?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Of course, but she's pregnant...  Shouldn't we be happy for them?  Hideo is going to have a cousin.  Tobirama and I are going to be uncles, and you are going to be an aunt Mito." Hashirama said calming both Tobirama and I.

I hugged Yoshima, "Sorry...  I just felt-"
"It's ok." She said.

"I should've told you earlier."

***4 Months Later***

Madara's P.O.V

"Still didn't come up with a way to run this village?" I asked Hashirama.
"It's hard to think of one!  Why won't you help?!" He asked clutching his head.
"It's your village." I said and he frowned.
"Idiot it's yours too.  Without you this wouldn't have been a reality." He said.

I frowned and blushed, "Hmph!"

"WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"  I jumped hearing the cry.

My eye twitched as a vein popped on my forehead.

"There's Yoshima crying again..." Hashirama said sighing.

"Why is she crying?"
"Pregnancy can be amazing and it can be,"
"Hell." I said twitching.

"Maybe you should check up on her." Hashirama said and I nodded.

I left the room and made my way to the living room seeing Mito trying to comfort Yoshima.

She has a bump now.

"Stop crying." I said and she sniffed.
"But it's so painful!!!"
"Mito did it hurt like this for you?"
"Nope.  It was amazing."  She said smiling.

"Maybe it's mood swings.." Mito said.
"I hope it's only that." I mumbled under my breath.

"Maybe it's time for a nap." Mito said helping her up.

"I'll take it from here Mito.  Thank you for everything." I said leading Yoshima to her old room.

"I can't believe they kept your room I said."
"Me too." She said with a pained look on her face.

I helped her lay down on the futon.

"Madara don't leave, ok?" She said and held my hand as I sat beside her.

"Wasn't planing to." I said smirking.

Our child is going to be a boy.
I wonder who he'll be like more.

Yoshima or I?

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