Chapter 14: Sick

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Hashirama's P.O.V

I was in a room with father.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked him.
"What ever I can think about ends up in Yoshima dying." He said.
"There's also the option, that you... Sacrifice yourself." I gulped.
"I can't sacrifice myself...  I'm the reason the clan still goes on..  Without me, we'd be eliminated." He said.
"So Yoshima just dies?!" I yelled and father stayed silent.
"I know she's fighting right now...  She'll die as a warrior." He said and I snapped.
"Warrior?!  That's all you care about?! They obviously captured her for Intel.  Knowing Yoshima, she'll do what ever to protect the clan, more specifically you!  You are careless father!  You don't give a care of what happens to us!  All you care about is being a victor in the war!  But what good will it bring when all your loved ones are not by your side!"  I left the room.  I'm going to save Yoshima myself.

Yoshima's P.O.V

"You still won't say anything, eh?" I was asked by the clan leader.

I was punched in the stomach.

I was getting assaulted so much.  I don't think I can keep up like this any longer.

"Speak Yoshima Senju!" He yelled.


This time, I could tell...  He was going to kill me.  Was I scared?  Yes, but I won't show it.  At least I was able to protect the clan.  Kawarama, Itama...  I'll be meeting you two soon.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Just then I heard a cough.  I opened my eyes to reveal blood spilling out of the clan leader's mouth and a Katana through his chest.

"M-Madara...  How could you?"
"You tried to keep this from the Uchiha.."
Then the clan leader fell to the ground, dead.

"M-Madara...  You... You killed him!" I said shocked.  I felt the chains release me and I fell into Madara's arms.
"He put himself in that position." I felt my face heat up. Madara came for me.

Madara took us away from the compound.

I heard an explosion.
"Madara! The Harogomo clan!"
"Don't worry about it.." He said and continued running.

"Madara, your body is so hot..." I said and he stared at me and blushed.
"No!! I mean your burning!" I said and he ignored.
"So, I'm not hot?" He asked.
"Ah- no- I mean yes- no!" I blushed.
I sighed, "You are hot.."
He blushed.

Just then Madara eyes closed and we were falling.

"Madara!!" I managed to balance myself and to hold onto falling Madara.

We both fell onto the ground..
Madara was on top of me, passed out.

I pushed him off of me.
He was sweating a lot and he looked really agitated.

"Madara..." I whispered feeling sad.
I placed Madara on my back. I'm going to find some shelter.


I managed to find an abandoned house.

I entered with Madara on my back and laid him on the ground.

I ripped off a part of my Yukata, "Now I just need some water."

The sound of water was like music to my ears. I ran out to see the riverbank was close and I went towards it. I placed the piece of cloth into the water and ran back to the shed.

I placed it on Madara's forehead and he seemed a bit calm..

I found a bucket and filled it with water for once the cloth dries up.

Just then Madara started to shiver. I found some blankets and placed them on him. He now seemed more peaceful...

"Maybe I should be getting some rest now..." I said and laid on the ground..

I stared at the helpless Madara.
I sat up. I couldn't sleep.. If someone were to come in here, I have to protect us.

I shifted towards Madara and sat beside him.

"I'll protect you, don't worry about anything."

Hashirama's P.O.V

An explosion roared from the direction of the Harogomo clan...

Did Madara do this? Take out a whole clan?

I have to turn back before I'm suspected.
I started to run towards the Senju compound..

Wait, what happened to Yoshima?
Did Madara take her?
Did she die within the explosion?

I pray she's alive. You can't die yet Yoshima.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I'm really tired..
Am I forgetting I got pretty beaten up myself?
I placed a hand on my stomach and winced in pain.
Ahhh... I'm fine.

"Looks like the cloth is dry..." I took it off his head and made my way to the bucket.

I placed the cloth in the water and walked back to Madara.

I placed the cloth on his head.

"HEY! I KNOW SOMEONE'S IN THAT HOUSE!" I heard from outside. This is probably the worst time to encounter in a fight...
"DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!" I got up and walked out. A male from the Harogomo clan.
"Did not."
"Did not."
"Did not."
"I KNOW WHAT YOU DID! I'M GOING TO CUT YOU DOWN LIMB BY LIMB!" He ran at me. I was dodging the attacks easily.

"YOU LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" He yelled and I felt a cold liquid leave my mouth. I looked down to see a Katana in my stomach..
"Are you scared little girl?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I'LL MAKE YOU SCARED!" He dug the Katana farther into me.

Then he kicked me away.

"I KILLED THE SENJU PRINCESS!!" He said in a devious laugh.

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