Chapter 68: Emotionless

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Yoshima's P.O.V

"He has been gone for half a month now.  Where the heck is he?!  How dare he leave you?!" Tobirama growled as I sat on the couch leaning my head back.

Tobirama came to visit me because I haven't really contacted him in awhile.

"I don't know.  Just don't go looking for him." I said uninterested in the topic.
"You are turning into an emotionless woman!  Isn't this wrong?!  You should be emotional!" Tobirama yelled.

"I'm not gonna stress myself worrying.  Madara is obviously fine.  He left the village because he wanted to.  I'm not stressing about him."  I calmly said.

He left the village...  Because of Tobirama and Hashirama.

My eyes slowly widened but quickly closed.

"Get out."
"Get out."
"Yes.  Get out."
"I came to check up on you.  Don't tell me to get out!"
"I didn't ask for you to come.  I don't need you here so get out." I said plainly and he frowned.

"That's the last time, I care for you." He said and left.
"Whatever." I mumbled.

Madara's P.O.V

"Sensei!  I got the trick to the Jutsu!" Aoi said running towards me out of breath.

"Show me." I said.

"Let's go to the lake."


Aoi started to do hand signs.

"Fire Style!  Fire Ball Jutsu!" A pretty big fireball came from his mouth.

"Good." I said.

"Now I want you to make it bigger." I said.
"What?!  I want to learn another Justu!  Fireball Jutsu is so lame!" He whined as my eye twitched.
"If you know the fireball Jutsu technique, you can do many other fire jutsu's.  Also it'd be easy to learn." I said and started to weave had signs.

"Fire style!  Giant Fireball Justu!" A  gigantic fireball left my lips.

"Now...  Practice..."  I said.


"You over worked yourself." I said walking with the child slung over my shoulder..
"I...  I need to get stronger quicker..." He said and slowly fell asleep.

I really loved the effort he was putting in.
He'll become an amazing Shinobi.

"Hmph..." I closed my eyes and smiled.

The rustling sounds filled my ears.

I turned to see a bush beside me.

"Someone was just there.."

Mito's P.O.V

"Yoshima has gone over the edge." Tobirama sat on my couch.
"She needs time to understand what she wants.  Just like Madara." I said sitting beside the man.
"But I was trying to comfort her."
"She needs time to herself...  Let's leave her be..."

"This side of Yoshima reminds me of Madara.  I remember once when Madara broke her heart, she went in a depressed mode.  She rarely ate, stayed in her futon, never really said a word for about a month." Tobirama said.
"Really?" My eyes widened.  I didn't know that Madara and Yoshima broke up in the past.
"Yeah.  I worry she's become like that again.  She's pregnant and-"
"Yoshima must've been small.  She obviously knows doing that watching Kuro, herself and the unborn baby alone, would be bad for the family.  She knows she needs to be strong even though she may be struggling.  She's fighting her emotions and pain to be strong.  Let's leave Yoshima alone." I stated and Tobirama gave me a sad look.

"Tobirama..  Do you want a girlfriend?" I asked him and his eyes widened.
"W-What?  Of course not!"

"Tomorrow night, you, Hashi, my sister, and I will go out."
"You have a sister?" He asked confused.

"I don't think I can go.  Hideo needs a babysitter." Tobirama said scratching the back of his head.
"Don't worry.  I'll find someone else to cover that job up.  You are going whether you like it or not.  We are going to let lose!!!" I yelled in excitement.

He frowned, "Ha...ha... Yaaaaaay..." He said plainly.

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