Chapter 46: Kidnapped

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Madara's P.O.V

Kazumi dropped to the ground stunned as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I deactivated my Mangekyou Sharingan and turned away from her.

"You didn't have to put her in a Genjutsu." Hashirama said and I ignored his comment.

"Clan leader!  Urgent news!"
"What is it?" I asked.
"A weird man appeared at the Senju compound-"
"WHAT?!" I yelled angrily.

Why do I feel like I've been played?
Did he plan this from the start?

"Something happened to Yoshima?!" I gripped on the man's collar.
"I-I d-don't know, sir...  The Senju people are scared.  They ask for your help.  That's all they said."

"Bring Kazumi to the hospital.  Hashirama and I will go to the Senju compound." I said.
"You put her in a Genjutsu and now want her to go to the hospital...  Wow Madara." Hashirama said and shook his head.

"IDIOT!  THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PLAY!  OUR FAMILY'S AT STAKE!" I yelled angrily and Hashirama started to smile.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMILING FOR?!" I yelled and he laughed.
"You said family."

I blushed feeling a bit weird.

"Can we just go?!" I yelled and he nodded.

Tobirama's P.O.V


What...  Someone's calling my name...


I wonder who...  I can't see a thing.


My eyes shot open.

I immediately coughed out blood.

"W-What happened?" I asked confused.
"We don't know..."
"How don't you know?!" I yelled angrily.

"Get this Katana out of me!!!" I yelled and they pulled it out.

I dropped to the ground clutching my stomach.

"Where's... Where's Mito and Hideo?" I asked in pain.
"We found them knocked out on the ground. We brought them immediately to the hospital. As well as the dead body of Haru and his knocked out mother."

Haru, Haru died! I remember.

"Where's Yoshima?!" I yelled and the shook their heads.
"Lady Yoshima wasn't here."
"Where did the man go with her?!"
"What man?"

I felt tears overwhelm my eyes.
I punched the ground.

"Dammit! DAMMIT!" I slowly felt myself faint.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I woke up and realized I was in a cave.
"What the?"

I looked at my arms and legs.

I'm not injured. 
I slowly moved my eyes to the entrance of the cave.

It was raining.
A figure stood at the entrance facing the rain.

"So you are finally awake Lady Yoshima."
"Where are we?"
"The rain delayed my plans.  We'll stay here overnight." He said and I started to shiver.

I wish I brought heavier clothes.

"You are cold?"
"N-No." I said taking a deep breath.

He threw his jacket at me.

"Wear it." He said and my eyes widened.

"I can't risk letting you or the baby die." He said and I gave a confused look.

"Put on the jacket please." I put it on.

I feel much better.

"How do you know I'm pregnant?" I asked and he turned to me.

"Well I'm the one who first told you that you were pregnant."  No... It can't be him. Can it?

It was definitely him.
He looked more human with out his jacket.
He wore a sleeveless black shirt which showed his muscles.

"I-It's you!" I said scared starting to back away.

"You aren't real! You were just a nightmare!" I said and he chuckled.
"I put you in a Genjutsu before, Yoshima. That was no nightmare."

"W-What do you want?" I said as my back hit a wall.

He came face to face with me.

"I'm using you to make someone's life a living hell. They took everything away from me. So I'll take everything away from them." He said.

"Who are you?"
"You can call me shadow."

"For now rest." He said putting his hands through my hair.

Hashirama's P.O.V

I looked at the ground horrified.


"What happened?!" I yelled and one of the Senju men came running.

"Tobirama was pinned to a tree with a Katana in him."
"Where is he?!" I yelled worried.
"The hospital.. Also..."
"Haru was murdered." My eyes widened.

I started to tremble, "W-What?"

Haru was killed..

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to see Madara.

I took a deep breath, I can't show weakness. I'll get everyone else worried.

"Where is Mito, Hideo, and Yoshima?" Madara asked.

"Mito and Hideo were knocked out and they are in the hospital."
I furrowed my eyebrows. I grabbed the collar of the man's shirt, "Who'd do such a thing?!" I yelled.
"W-We don't know, sir.."

I released him... This is too much to take in at once.

"W-What about Yoshima?" Madara asked nervously.
"Before Tobirama passed out from blood loss, he started to yell at us where was Yoshima, where did a man go with her."

My eyes widened and I dropped to my knees, "So you are trying to say.."

"Lady Yoshima was kidnapped."

He took her away. Shadow took Yoshima.

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