Chapter 82: Different

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**2 Years Later**

Yoshima's P.O.V

"There!"  Miwa said.

I opened my eyes to see my hair above my shoulders.

"I feel different." I said and closed my eyes.

"Well you don't have all that hair passed your butt no more." Miwa laughed and I chuckled a bit.

I'm 26...
Quite shocking.

"Mom we are home!" I heard Yuki's voice ring through the house.

"Mom?" I heard both Yuki and Kuro's voice.

"Hi.." I turned to them with a big smile.

"Your hair." Yuki gasped.
"I felt like it was too long.  Quite a burden actually." I said and squatted in front of them.

"But it was so pretty..." Yuki said running her hand through my hair.

"I know it was.  It will grow back anyways...  Right?" I said.


I stood up and Yuki hugged me.

"The academy is fun mom!"
"Is that so?" I said hugging her back.

She was 5 years old.

I watched Kuro who just looked down.

"How's the academy, Kuro?" I pulled him into the hug.

"M-Mom." He blushed in embarrassment

This 6 year old is so stubborn.

"How is it?"


"You two are too cute." I smiled at the two.

"Why are you so happy mom?" Kuro asked confused.

"I just feel good for some reason."

I feel happy...
Like really happy..


Hashirama's P.O.V

I was now running through the forest.

There have been signs of Madara around the area.

I stopped to see my old friend standing in a vacated area.

"Madara.  Stop what you are doing and return home.  Yoshima will accept you back-"
"I have no home Hashirama!  Why don't you see?!"
"Kuro and Yuki miss you!"
"I bet they don't even remember me."
"Kuro remembers you!  But you left Yuki a week after she was born."
"Hashirama...  I have my own plans to follow...  And that starts with demolishing the Hidden Leaf."

"Madara, I'm giving you one last chance." I said.
"I'm not returning Hashirama." 

We immediately entered combat.


Yoshima's P.O.V

"Hashirama and Madara have entered combat." Tobirama said entering my home.
"Again?" I sighed.

It was late at night.
Yuki and Kuro were fast asleep.

Madara and Hashirama just love fighting.

"The thing is that...  I don't think this will be the same as their old fights." Tobirama said.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"Hashirama is tired of Madara trying to infiltrate the leaf.  He probably asked Madara to stop what he was doing or he'd kill him.  Madara must've decided not to stop."
"So Madara and Hashirama...  They are trying to kill each other?!" I yelled.

I must stop them.

I ran upstairs to Yuki's room.

I sat at her bed...

"Princess, I'm going to go do something...  I'll be back as soon as possible...  I promise." I kissed her forehead.

I knew she wouldn't hear me, being fast and sleep and all..

I quickly made my way to Kuro's room.

"My little prince...  Your father and uncle are in some type of fight.  I'm going to stop it before it gets bad.  I'll be back soon."  I kissed his forehead and started to walk off.

"Uh.. Kuro... Yeah?"

He heard what I said!

"Come back for sure." he said.
"I will.  I promise."
"Also bring dad back."
"Don't worry. I will Kuro.  Protect your sister."
"I love you mom."
"I love you too." I smiled as I walked out.

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