Chapter 30: Peace

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I opened my eyes.
This isn't my room or the house.

"Where am I?" I asked looking up.
"Princess Yoshima!" I heard and turned to my left revealing Haru.
"Why am I in here?" I asked sitting up, realizing we were in a tent.
"You'll see. First change into this." He said giving me a blue yukata.
"I'll make sure no one walks in on you." He said walking out.

I quickly changed.
Why wouldn't I be in my room?

I walked out, "You look beautiful princess Yoshima!" Haru said smiling.
I blushed lightly and stared him in his eyes.
He started to blush and turned away.

"Why was I in a tent?" I asked as we walked around.
"Well the Senju and Uchiha have stopped fighting." He said and my eyes widened.
"W-What?! When did this happen?! How long was I out?!" I said surprised.
"About 4 days. They'll be signing a peace treaty here at the compound, today. They were cleaning and decorating the main house for the Uchiha arrival so they moved you out." Haru said scratching the back of his head.
"The Uchiha will be here, today?!" I asked still surprised.
"So Madara will be here?!"
"...Um... I'm pretty sure the clan leader has to sign the peace treaty." Haru said with a little laugh.

"Hm?" Haru said walking towards me.
He bended down to my height and placed his fingers on my chin.

"What- What is it?!" I asked feeling uncomfortable with him being too close.
"Your forehead. Is that the Strength of a Hundred Seal?" He asked fascinated lifting my bangs.
"Mhmm..." I nodded slightly.

"Yoshima!" I heard and looked to my left to see Tobirama.
"Brother!" I said as both Haru and I stared at him.
"Sorry to ruin the moment-" He said and I cut him off.
"You aren't ruining anything! What do you need?!" I said pushing Haru away.

"Hashirama wants to talk to you." He said and I ran to his side as we walked away. I looked back at Haru who looked a bit upset.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Tobirama asked.
"No! Never!" I said blushing embarrassed.
"I always thought it'd be weird the thought of you two together, but now... You guys looked good together." Tobirama said smirking.
"No we don't! He's a friend." I said and Tobirama sighed.

"You look different." He said staring me down.
"No I don't!" I said feeling a some heat on my cheeks.
"Your hair has gone from straight to wavy and your bangs are slightly different. Your eyes have gotten lighter, your lips are pinker-"
"How do you-"
"You are my sister... I watch your every move. I'll make sure you are safe." He said with his hands on his hips bending down to my height.

"Now that we have made peace with the Uchiha, you have to be more cautious." He said.
"Don't you dare think of Madara again!" Tobirama said and I blushed.

Tobirama and I eventually made it to Hashirama who was in his office after a bunch of scolding and jokes.

"Yoshima!!!" Hashirama tackled me with a hug.
"Ha-Hashirama. You'll kill me!" I coughed out and he let go of me and laughed shyly.

He started to skip and dance a bit around the room.

I sweat dropped, "He seems really happy..." I said laughing a bit.
"It's because the war is done." Tobirama said sighing.

"Now we can look forward for our love lives, having children, grandchildren-"
"What?!" Tobirama asked shocked.
"Yeah Tobi! You'll marry a beautiful wom-" Hashirama said with a cat face.
"Don't call me Tobi!" Tobirama said clutching his fist as a vein popped on his forehead.
"I'll marry a beautiful, strong woman, and Yoshima will marry Madara!"
"W-What?! No!"
"Why not?" Hashirama said calming down.
"We can't." I said turning away.

"Mind that! The Uchiha will be here soon!" Tobirama said and Hashirama smiled.
"At last, peace." Hashirama said smiling softly, "I'm so happy."

Hashirama stared out the window and smiled.


Madara and Hashirama shook hands as they stood in front of both the Uchiha, and Senju clan symbols.

The Uchiha and Senju around cheered.

I stood between Tobirama and Haru smiling at the two clapping.

Madara's eye caught mine, and I felt heat on my cheeks as I watched him smile.

"Let's enjoy ourselves tonight and celebrate!" Hashirama said with a big smile as there was a bunch of food, drinks, not to mention sake placed on tables.

I felt my eye twitch. He's too excited.

"Madara! Have a drink with me!" Hashirama said grabbing a sake bottle and walking towards Madara.
"Uh... Sure..." He said unsure while staring at me while being pulled away by Hashirama.

I gave him a light smile.

I felt someone grab my hand.

"Let's go Yoshima!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the commotion.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Not far."

We stopped.
We were still in the compound area, but it was where the least amount of commotion was.

Haru pulled me close, and placing his fingers on my chin looking down at me

"Yoshima, you are really cute." He said and my eyes widened.
"Uhhh..." I felt my cheeks heat up.

He started into my eyes, "I want to tell you something. I've felt this way for a very long time.  I've been too nervous to say this. Yoshima-"

"Yoshima." I turned to reveal Madara.
"Madara..." I said with my eyes wide.

I moved out of Haru's grip. He looked upset.

"Was I interrupting something?" He asked crossing his arms.

Both Haru and Madara glared at each other. A lot of tension.
I sweatdropped.

"No you weren't." I cut off Haru.

Madara smirked, "I want to talk to you."
"Ok." I quickly followed him.

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