Chapter 51: Gone

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Mito's P.O.V

"Come at me with your best shot."  Kazumi said smirking.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I punched Kazumi and she spat out blood and flew on the ground.

"You are no match for me." I said and she smiled.

She slowly got up, "I've never felt so excited."

Lightning surrounded her.

"No it's my turn to punish you!" She said as lightning came at me.

Hashirama's P.O.V

"HAAAAAAAA!!!  SAGE MODE!" I said as I felt a rush of power.

I can't believe I had to bring it out.

"Hashirama.  You are getting me excited!  Show me more!"  The man said and a blue tint appeared under my eye.

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY EXCITED?!  IDIOT!!  THAT SOUNDS WRONG!!!"  Tobirama said angrily as a vein appeared on his forehead.
"IDIOT!!!  WHY ARE YOU THINKING WRONG?!"  Shadow yelled angrily.

"I'll make the first move!" He said.

He'll damage the village.

I must lead him away!

Tobirama made a giant wave of water washing him away.

"Let's go Hashirama!" Tobirama yelled as we ran towards shadow.

Kazumi's P.O.V

"UGH!" Mito grunted in pain as she hit a wall and fell.

"You are no match for me Mito!" I said infusing my hand with chakra.

"This time, I'll kill you!" I said moving my hand towards her chest.

She tried to get out of the way. I ended up piercing her stomach.

"How does it feel Mito? You don't have any chakra left do you? You are going to die here and now! All of you will die except Madara!" I said laughing deviously as she coughed out blood.

"So... You want Madara to yourself..." Mito said coughing out the words.
"Madara was always mine! We were suppose to get married! Not him and Yoshima! I will rip Yoshima into shreds and murder the child!" I said smirking deviously.
"You are so ruthless. You want to kill a... new born baby and its mother." Mito said and I slapped her across the face with my other hand.

"Why don't you realize the situation you are in?! Or just die already!"
"I already told you... I'm not any ordinary Shinobi!" Mito said weaving hand signs quickly and angrily.

I gasped.

"Wind Style! Wind Torpedo!" Mito said as vast winds left her mouth causing me to fly away into a wall.

"Gah!" I felt blood leave my mouth.

I heard a nervous voice and turned to my left to see Hideo.

I smirked deviously.

This fight is coming to an end.

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