Chapter 74: Returned

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Madara's P.O.V

I reached the village...

It's been awhile...
I wonder how Yoshima is...

I slowly entered.

I now know what I want.
I must stay with Yoshima...
She's pregnant watching a 2 month old on her own.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I heard a knock on my door.

I got up and walked to it.
I opened it to reveal Tobirama, Hashirama, Hideo, Mito, and Miwa..

"Happy Birthday Yoshima!" They said and barged into my home.

"Birthday?" I asked confused.
"Have you forgotten your own birthday?!" Tobirama yelled.
"N-No... It's just-" I felt tears stream down my cheeks.

"Don't cry!" They all gave me a big hug.

"I was so rude to you guys and you still continue to care." I was sobbing.

"You're pregnant, Madara's gone.. We understand what you are going through." Hashirama said as I wiped my tears.

"We are going to parrrtttttyyyy!!!" Hashirama shouted as we all sat down.
"NO SAKE!" Mito and Miwa said.
"Awwww...."  Hashirama whined.

"Yoshima's pregnant, Hideo's here, as well as Kuro..  So hell no!"  Mito growled.


"So Yoshima...  It seems you are out of your emotionless phase." Tobirama said and I nodded.

"Miwa and I are dating." He said shyly blushing.
"Good." I smiled.

"If Tobirama has caused you any trouble, I'm sorry." I said to Miwa.
"He never has...  He's really overprotective..." She said and my eyes widened.

"This is the first time Tobirama has ever been in love...  It makes me happy!" I said with a big smile on my face.

Just then we heard knocking on the door.

"I'll get it." I said getting up.

This feeling of family...
It makes me really happy.

I opened the door and my jaw dropped.

Long Onyx-spiky hair...
Pale skin...
Dark eyes...
Bags under the eyes...

"...Madara..."  My face went pale.

I wanted to hug him, to kiss,  to feel his warmth, but I can't...
He left for a month.

I felt tears slip out of my eyes.

"You've been gone for so damn long!" I yelled.

"MADARA!" I heard Tobirama growl from behind me.

"Tobirama!"  Hashirama was holding him back.
"You left her!  You left Yoshima alone for a whole month!  Alone with your children!  You made her stress, you caused her pain!  How dare you come here acting like everything is okay?!"  Tobirama yelled.

"Shut up." Madara growled at Tobirama.

"Yoshima...  Please forgive me...  I just need time alone..."

"But...  For so long...."
"I know... But..." Madara tried to pull me into his arms but I was pulled back by Mito.

"You were so close to make her jump off the end and jeopardize your child's life." Mito said.

"Don't you think you can hold her as if nothing happened."

I felt confused...

I want Madara so bad, but I can't.

I immediately turned and ran for my room.

I can't think straight...

Hashirama's P.O.V

I left the house to see Madara on the porch.

I sat beside him.

"I've been kicked out of my own house, and my wife hates me..." Madara said staring at the sky.
"Yoshima doesn't hate you... When you were gone, she cut her emotions... She went emotionless, she was really stressed, she isolated herself... Seeing you brings everything back in a rush." I said.
"I didn't know it affect her that much."
"Of course you would! She loves you!  Stop talking non-sense."
"How can I make it up to her?" He asked.

"I-I honestly don't know...  Giving each other space ruined the relationship.  You should figure this out on your own." I said.

I got up, glanced at Madara and went inside.

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