Chapter 39: The Proposal

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes.
Sunlight peered into my room.

"What, what happened?" My head was throbbing.

I touched my head realizing there was a rag on it.
I quickly removed it.

I turned to my left and saw a body laying beside me.
"Ehhh?" I slowly looked up to see Madara.
He was fast asleep.

Memories flooded into me.

I remember Madara and I talking.
Him hugging me.
Me crying in his arms and slowly passing out.

He didn't go home?  I wonder if the Uchiha are worried.

Maybe I should wake him up.
I sat up and watched sleeping peacefully.

I smiled lightly.  I'll leave him be.

I placed a blanket over him and kissed his forehead.

I got up and started to walk.
I started to feel dizzy and quickly grabbed onto the wall.

Am I sick?

I took a deep breath and started to walk out of my room clutching the wall.

"Yoshima!" Mito came beside me.

"Let me help you!" She said and I shook my head.
"You are a pregnant woman.  Please don't help me."  I said.
"You have a fever though!" She said.
"So it seems."
"You passed out in Madara's arms.  You've been asleep ever since." She said taking my arm and placing it around her shoulders.
"Mito!  I can walk!" I said and she just smiled.
"Stop lying to yourself.  You can't even walk without grabbing the wall." She said looking at me.

"Hashirama will kill me." I mumbled.

We entered the living room to meet Hashirama and Tobirama on the couch.

"MITO!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOSHIMA!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MITO!?" Hashirama said pushing me off of her.

"Mito's pregnant, Yoshima!" He yelled.

I fell on my butt and just laid on my back, "I know."

"Ughhhh..." I felt a dark aura surround me.

"Hashirama! I was helping Yoshima walk. I forced her into accepting my help." Mito said.

"Yoshima!" Tobirama said shaking my body.
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry Yoshima!" Hashirama said as Tobirama threw me over his shoulder.

"I'm going to bring her back to her room." He said.

"She needs to rest more."
"No I don't!  I'm hungry!" I said and Tobirama sighed.

I remembered Madara was in my room.  Tobirama would kill me if he saw him.

He placed me on the couch and went to get me some food.

"Madara's in my room." I said to Hashirama as I ran my hand through my hair.
"I know!  He was watching you all night!  He really loves you." He said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Tobirama shortly came back with food and I ate.

"Did you guys do it?" Hashirama asked and I spat out Tobirama's face.

"Brother! B-Brother!  I'm sorry!  I'll clean your face!  I'll clean it." I said and a dark aura surrounded Tobirama...  His eyes became red and his teeth were as sharp as Shark teeth.

"HEEEELLLPPPP MEEEE!!!" I got up and ran for my life.


Madara's P.O.V

"Time to prepare for the proposal!" I said yawning as I reached the Uchiha compound.

I woke up to find Yoshima not in bed but a blanket over me.

I guessed she probably woke up, so I jumped out the window and left.

"Clan Leader! The Uchiha compound has been built in the village. We can start moving in!" One of the men said and I smiled.

"Very well. Tell everyone about it." I said and he nodded.

I need a bunch of roses..

"Also! Please tell Hashirama to send Yoshima to the riverbank at noon!" I said and he nodded.


Yoshima's P.O.V

I've been hiding from Tobirama for a couple hours now.

I know he still wants to kill me.

I was suppressing my chakra.

"Yooooosssshhhiiiiiiimmmmmaaaaaa..... Come out come out wherever you are! You can't hide forever!" I heard his demonic voice and I gulped.

He heard my gulp.

"THERE YOU ARE!" I got up and sprinted for my life.

I slowly stopped seeing flower petals.

It's a trail..

I slowly followed it..

"What are you doing?" I heard Tobirama's voice. His normal voice.
"Following petals." I said as he followed behind.

I reached the river bank to see Madara.

"Madara! What are you doing here?!" I asked confused and he smirked.

"I'm going." Tobirama quickly turned around and ran.

"Yoshima... You know that I love you right..."

"Remember when I first saw you and saved your life? You were such a weak and fragile girl. Now look at you. You went from cute and adorable to amazingly strong and beautiful. You've changed a lot for the better." He said walking towards me.

"You can heal, use water style, earth style, and you even got that mark on your head. You've become fearless and strong. I'm so happy you chose me out of every other guy in the world..." He said and slowly went down on one knee.

Is he actually proposing?!

He handed me a rose and took out a ring.

I felt tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my god..." I said smiling and crying at the same time.

"Yoshima Senju...  Marry me?"  He said with a smile and I nodded.
"I will!  Of course I will!" I said as he slid the ring on my finger.
I hugged him as I cried.

He picked me up and spun me around.

He held me and kissed me.

We are finally going to get married.

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