Chapter 24: The Assassination

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Madara's P.O.V

I stood in front of the graves of my mother, and brothers.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" I dropped to my knees and felt my mouth trembling.

It's been a week.
Shizuko just stays in her room... She's really silent now.
Izuna doesn't speak a word about. He acts like the incident didn't happen.
Father is more silent...
I still feel the pain.. And it's killing me.

"I couldn't protect you." I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see my father.
"Come into my office." He said and I nodded.


"I don't think I can leave the Senju off like that.. They killed your mother, while Iwa still lives." He said and I looked down.
"I want to go and assassinate her." Father said looking at me.
"Let me go." I said and his eyes widened..
"I can't allow that Madara. I sent you to assassinate Yoshima and you let her free."
I felt my Mangekyou Sharingan activate, "I'm different this time. Let me go kill Iwa!" I said.
He looked at my eyes and smirked, "Very well.."

Yoshima's P.O.V

"Mother..." I whispered as father, Tobirama, Hashirama and I watched her lay in her futon.

She hasn't woken up, and has recently got a fever.

Her face was a pinkish colour and she had an irritated look.

"When will she get well Yoshima?" Father asked. I shook my head with a saddened look on my face.
"I-I don't know." I said.

Father sighed, "At least Iwa took down Izumi..."

"Let's leave and let her rest..."


I was walking outside of the house.

"Yoshima!" I heard.
"Haru..."  I felt my eye twitch..  He still exists.
"I heard what happened to Lady Iwa..." He was much taller and had hair that reached his shoulders.
I can't lie..  He got handsome.
"Mhmm..." I said feeling some heat on my cheeks looking down.

He cupped my cheek and brought his face closer to mine.

"You look really cute." He said staring in my eyes.
My eyes widened, "S-Stop! You idiot!" I said pushing him away.

He laughed and put his index finger and thumb on his chin thinking.

He had a serious look and was staring at me.

"You have more of a womanly figure..." He said and crossed my arms.
"That only makes your chest bigger." He said smirking.
"You idiot!"  I said and ran away blushing.


I was inside my room staring outside the window..

I started to hum watching the sun go down.

"I hope you wake up tomorrow mother..." I whispered.
I felt my eyes close as I leaned against the wall.

Madara's P.O.V

I made it to the Senju compound.
I can enter through Yoshima's room.

I went to her room to find her leaning against the window..

I swiftly moved through the window..

"Ma...Dara..." I heard her say.
My eyes widened... I turned to look at her still asleep.

Dreaming about me, huh? I smirked and left the room quickly.

Where could she be..

My Sharingan activated.

I sensed Hashirama's, Tobirama's, Yoshima's....


I entered the room finding the limp woman.
The clan leader isn't here...

I felt my eyebrows furrow.

She killed my mother.. She doesn't deserve to live.

I walked towards her. I lifted my katana.

I placed it in her chest.

Blood slowly came out of her mouth.

I killed her..
My eyes widened as I looked at the dead woman..

Yoshima's P.O.V

I gasped waking up..

I clutched my head... Then clutched my heart. My eyes widened.

"M-Mother?" I can't sense her chakra.
Did she die?!

Just then my room door opened.

Madara walked in with a bloody katana in his hand.

"You killed her?" I said clutching my arms.
"She killed my mother."
"Idiot!" I tried to run past him to go to my mother, but he grabbed my arm.
"You can't save her." He said.
"Let go of me!"
"No." He pushed me on the ground.

I tackled him to the ground and infused my hand with chakra.

He flipped us so he was on top of me.

"It had to be done!" He said.
"No it didn't have to!!"  I yelled as tears spilled out of my eyes.
"You killed her!" I cried.
"Shut up!"
"Were you forced to kill her?"
"You are a monster Madara!  You have been consumed by evil!" I yelled and his eyes widened.
"Mangekyou Sharingan!" I felt my eyes slowly close.

Madara's P.O.V

I picked up Yoshima and placed her in her futon.
I wiped her tears.

I quickly left the Senju compound.

I did what had to be done.

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