Chapter 17: The Awakening

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*1 Month Later*

Hashirama's P.O.V

It has been a month and Yoshima hasn't woken up.. 

It's been a lot quieter around the house..

Mother has been using all her power to keep her alive...

I hope she wakes up soon.

I walked into her room and sat beside her.

"Yoshima..."  I whispered.

It was almost noon...  Maybe I should go to Madara about Yoshima's condition...


I was at the riverbank... 

Madara hasn't come yet..  What will I say?

Yoshima hasn't awoken yet..
It doesn't look good for Yoshima..

I don't know what to say.

Just then Madara came.

"Hashirama..." He frowned..
"You're not happy to see me?!"
"Where's Yoshima?" He asked.
"S-She's...  Umm...  She still hasn't waken up..." I said looking down..
"I see...  Thanks for telling me about her condition..."
"No problem!"

He was about to leave but I stopped him...

"Madara...  Can I ask you something?"
He sighed, "What is it?"
"Why did you save Yoshima?  You said you'd do anything for your clan, and I know you were sent to kill her..." I said and his eyes widened then closed.
"I-I simply believed it was the right thing to return her to you...  M-My mission plan was messed up.."
"She was pretty banged up.  You could've killed her..." I said.
"It just- it didn't seem right to kill her at that moment.." He said.
"Orrrr...  You still love Yoshima!" I said smirking.
"No I don't!" He yelled.

"I have to go Hashirama...  We are enemies, not allies..." He said.
"Madara before you go....  Thank you...  You are changing for the better...  Maybe our plan for the future may still work..."  I said..
Madara frowned and dashed away.

I sighed and went back to the house.

Tobirama's P.O.V

I entered Yoshima's room to check up on her..

She was still very pale.

I sat beside her.

"Will you ever wake up?" I asked holding her hand.

"Please wake up..." I looked down at her hand in mine..

Just then I felt her hand move..

"Tobi...rama...?" I heard Yoshima's soft voice.

I looked up at her to see her eyes slightly opened staring at me.

"Yo-Yoshima?!" I hugged immediately hugged her.
"How are you feeling?!  Are you okay?!"  I asked.

"You-You're crushing me..." She coughed out and I released the hug.
"Sorry...  You must be hungry!  I'll get mother!" I got up and dashed to tell them the good news.

Madara's P.O.V

Who does Hashirama think he is?

He shouldn't have come... 

I just feel confused...  Shizuko's words and Hashirama's words are hurting my head.

I must protect and be with my family no matter what.

The way I'm changing is unpleasant for the Uchiha, but pleasant for the Senju...

I think I get it now... 

I feel this way because I still can't get over Yoshima.
I remember telling her I was still madly in love with her...

"I can't love you... Our love is like forbidden... It puts our families in danger..." When Yoshima and I finally meet. I must tell her... How I feel... And why we can't be together..

Hashirama's P.O.V

I made it home and entered the house..

I saw father smirking...

"Father?" I asked confused.
"Go to Yoshima's room..." He said and my eyes widened.

I started to run towards her room.

"Yoshima!!" I entered the room to find my mother and Tobirama sitting beside her.

Mother was feeding her I believe soup.

"Hashi...rama...?" Yoshima asked looking at me.

I felt tears sting my eyes and I ran to Yoshima's side and hugged her.

"Yoshima!!! I'm so happy you're awake!!!" I said.
"You-you're crushing me..." She coughed out and I released her.
"I'm sorry." I said and Tobirama chuckled a bit..

"H-How long have I been out?" She asked.
"About a month." Tobirama said and her eyes widened.
"So that long..." She sighed closing her eyes.

"I'm tired.." she yawned.
"We'll let you rest..." Mother said.

"Hashirama... Will you please stay with Yoshima?" Mother asked and I nodded..
"I'm fine mother.." Yoshima said.
"Stop being stubborn. Don't act like you're superior Yoshima... You gave everyone a scare..." Mother said laughing a bit.
"You almost died..." Tobirama said.
"So it was that bad...." Yoshima said laying down..

"Rest well Yoshima.." Tobirama said.
"Sleep well." Mother said and they both left.

"Hashirama... Did I look that bad?" Yoshima asked and I nodded.
"Madara wants to see you..." I said her eyes widened.
"Madara...." It looked like she started to think about Madara.

"He saved me... Right?" I nodded.
"He's going to the Riverbank everyday at noon... He wants to talk to you..." I said..
"Do you think Mother and Father will let me out?" She asked.
"Probably not... But I'll go with you. Maybe they'll let that happen."
"Hopefully." She said and closed her eyes.

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