Chapter 62: Suffering

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I was angry.. 
No furious!!

I was marching through the halls of the Hokage office looking for Tobirama and Hashirama.

When I find them...  I'll kill them!
Well... No...
I wouldn't kill them...

But they're going to really get it!

I kicked a door wide open revealing a meeting in session.

"Who are you?!" A katana was pointed to my throat.
"I should be asking you that question!" I said and kicked him in the stomach causing him to slid back.

"Yoshima!" I turned to see Hashirama and Tobirama.

The man came back at me with the katana.
He was aiming for my stomach.

Tobirama came just in time and kicked away.

"Watch yourself! She's pregnant!" Tobirama said standing in front of me.

"Yoshima, what are you doing here?" Hashirama said coming up to me.

"Princess Yoshima?!" I turned to see a man in fancy clothing squeal.
"Umm... Yeah." I said.

"He's the Lord of the Land of Fire." Tobirama said crossing his arms.
"Oh. Hello."
"Hi princess. What brings you here?" He asked.
"I need to borrow these two," I gripped Hashirama and Tobirama's ears bringing them down to my height.
"Do as you please princess!"
"Yeah, thank you." I said and walked out pulling their ears.

"Yoshima! I'm a grown man! Stop pulling my ear!" Tobirama growled.
"Shut up! I'll kill you!" I growled back.

"I'm guessing the mood swings have gotten to you..." Hashirama said in a nervous tone.


"I can't believe you guys!" I yelled at the two.
"What did we do?" Tobirama said rubbing his ear and frowning.
"Why are we far in the forest away from the village?" Hashrama asked.
"Has Madara's hate rub off on you?" Tobirama said in a laughing tone.

"KYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"  I punched Tobirama far into the sky.

I looked up at the sky to see a twinkle of light.

"Does that explain your question Hashirama?" I said growling.
"Mood Swings?" Hashirama said nervously.
"YOU TWO HURT MADARA'S FEELINGS!!" I yelled clenching my fist.

"I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" Hashirama yelled.
"I know you didn't.  But you didn't do anything to stop Tobirama." I said crossing my arms.
"But I tried!"
"It seems you didn't try hard enough!" I said.

"Do you really know Madara?  You two are best friends right?" I said in an angered tone.
"Of course I know him.  He's like a brother to me." Hashirama said sadly.
"He lost all of his siblings as well as both of his parents.  Trust me, I know we lost our parents and our two brothers, but...  He has no one...  If you and Tobirama weren't here, I'd lose my mind.  Imagine how much pain and suffering he's containing.  He acts like there's no pain, but he's suffering inside.  He also only trusts us! Imagine how it feels to hear someone talking bad about him and his best friend won't even back him up. Hashirama, I swear to god if I was him, I would isolate myself from the rest of the world... But he's trying to give it a chance." I said sadly.

"You know, he asked me to leave the village with him." I said as tears streamed down my face.
"What?!" Hashirama said shocked.
"He's reaching his limit. He won't be able to continue living like this... Hell will come back." I said as I started to tremble a bit.

"Yoshima... Calm down." Hashirama said walking towards me.
"I can't! My brothers and my husband won't get a long! I can't calm down when my Husband's suffering!" I yelled clutching onto Hashirama's Yukata.
"YOSHIMA!" I stopped talking.

"Breath in.... And out." He said and I did as told.
"I promise I'll apologize to Madara. I'll make things right." He said.

He placed his head on my forehead.

"Please don't stress... It's not good for you.." He said with a smile.

He slowly hugged me as I cried into his Yukata.

I have a feeling that something horrible is going to destroy the happiness the family tried so hard to claim.

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