Chapter 19: Broken Again

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Yoshima's P.O.V

What a ridiculous reason for not telling me about his sister! 

Was I mad?
More like upset.

He didn't trust me or something?

I sat down in front of the river and stared at the river flowing.

I took deep breaths.

"There's something...  There's something I need to tell you.." Madara said taking a seat beside me.
"What is it?" I asked with an upset voice.

His eyes widened, but he quickly closed them and sighed.

He brought his hand to my face, cupping it..

"You know.. You know I love you, right Yoshima?" He asked staring at me straight in the eyes.

I felt my heart flutter. It was beating really fast. My cheeks heated up.

"Y-Yes." He was caressing my cheek.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
"A lot." I said and it brought redness to his cheeks.

He was sighing a lot.. Was he scared or something?

"Please get over me..." He said closing his eyes.
My eyes widened, my heart beat stopped, "What?"
"Our families, are sworn enemies... The more-"
"Who cares about our families! It's not their relationship." I said feeling a panicking feeling come over me.
"But the more we are together, we are endangering our families. Especially Hashirama."
"Hashirama supports this! He doesn't care!" I said.
"But are you realizing that this relationship endangers his life?"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes it does Yoshima. What does your father think of us together?" How was he so calm at a time like this?
"M-Madara!" I took his hand off my face.
"Yoshima...  Please understand..  I'm doing this for our own good."
I got up and backed away from him.
"You say you love me, but you push me farther and farther away from you!  How is this for my own good?!" I yelled angry now.
"Our families...  We can't-"
"Why does everything have to be about our families?!" I yelled.
"Yoshima..." Madara said softly coming towards me.
"Just say it!" I said and his eyes widened in confusion.
"Say what?"
"You don't want to see me ever again...  Then you'll never see me again!" I said trying to fight the tears that were trying to leave my eyes.

I looked at him and he looked pained.

He came towards me and he hugged me.  I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Yoshima,"  then he stared me in my eyes, "I don't want to see you ever again."

I felt my heart break into two...  My chest started to hurt...  like crazy...

"So this is how it all ends..." I yelled and stumbled back.

I took out the rose that Madara once gave me out of my Yukata and threw it am him.  It slowly fell, but hit the ground.  He looked shocked.

"The rose..." He whispered.  My vision was blurry from tears.

"Lightning Style!  Banquet of Lightning!" I heard from my right.

I quickly wiped my tears and made my way to the other side of the river.

I watched as the water was electrocuted.

"I almost got you!" I heard a female voice.
"Shizuko?!" Madara yelled shocked.
The Uchiha Princess...  I gritted my teeth.  I have no time for this!
"What are you doing here?!" He yelled.
"I'm ending what you should've ended when you had a chance!  Her life!"  She said.  My eyes widened.  She wants to kill me?
"Go home Shizuko." Madara growled.
"Do you really want me to go home?  I'm not to sure father would be to pleased to here you are still having secret visits with the Senju Princess." She said and rolled her eyes.
"What do you say Senju princess?  The two sworn enemy clans have their princess duel.  Unless...  You are scared?"

She was trying to make me angry...  And it was working..

"I'm not scared of a brat!"
"What did you say?"
"You heard what I said!"

"Fire Style!  Fireball Jutsu!" She sent a fireball towards me.
"You think that will work on me?!  Water Style!  Water Manipulation!" I said.  The collision of the fire and water created a fog.

I'm going to use the same technique I used on Madara.

Just then her eyes met mine, "Too slow!" She said and punched me.  She sent me flying.

Her eyes...  They were...

I felt someone catch me.

"Hashirama..." I said staring up at my brother.
"What's going on?" He yelled with an angry look.

Hashirama's P.O.V

I placed Yoshima down and walked in front of her.

"What are you doing to Yoshima?!" I said going face to face with the girl.
"I was going to kill her." She said plainly.  Her eyes...
"You have the Sharingan?!" I yelled.
"Shizuko?!"  Madara yelled and she jumped to the other side of the river where Madara was.

I glared at him.  He stepped in front of Shizuko and stared back.

"Idiot!  You let her hurt Yoshima?!" I yelled.
"We're sworn enemies.  What do you expect?" He said smirking.

"My eyes feel amazing." The girl named Shizuko said.
"Father will be proud." Madara said.

He changed this much! No thought he could be saved, but now...

I felt a hand grab mine, "Let's go home.."

I turned to see Yoshima... 
Her cheeks were puffy and red.  She was crying?

"What did you do Madara?!" I yelled.
"Let Yoshima tell you that."
"Hashirama, please...  Let's go home." Yoshima said and her voice cracked.
"Ok..." I said feeling sorrow come over me.  She looked so broken.

I let her get on my back and we left.


"He said that!" I said shocked.

Yoshima laid in bed lifeless.

"I never thought Madara would change like that." I said.
"And now Shizuko is competition...  And she has the Sharingan." I said placing my hand on my head.
"At least now you have a reason to move on..  He doesn't want to see you anymore..  Maybe you should try and forget about Madara." I said and she sniffled.
"...I'll try.." She said and a light smile planted on my face.

Just then Tobirama entered the room and sat down.

"By the looks of it, love issues..." He said.

"Why are you still crying for Madara?  You are better than him..." Tobirama said.

"Tobirama!" I yelled.
"You shouldn't be sobbing, you should be training!  The next time we see Madara is on the battlefield! You should be preparing for that rather than crying rivers." Tobirama said.

Yoshima got up and hugged both Tobirama and I.

"Yoshima..." I whispered.
"Thank you..  You two.." She said softly.

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