Chapter 71: Emotions

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Yoshima's P.O.V

I sat down and watched Hideo play with some toys.

"Aunty Yoshi! Play with me!" Hideo said cheerfully.

I started to play with him and then he got up and started to look around.

"Something not right!" He said scratching his head.
"What's not right?"
"Uncy Mada!"

My eyes widened and slowly closed.

"What about him?"
"He not here!"
"He's on a trip."
"I don't know."
"What's wrong?" I asked holding his hand.

"He never leave when Aunty Yoshi sad." He said and my eyes widened.
"I'm not sad." I said smiling.
"Stop lying!" He said holding my face with his tiny hands.

This two year old...  Real intelligent...

"Don't cwy..." He said hugging me as tears fell down my face.

"I'm fine Hideo." I said wiping my tears.

"Uncy Mada... He bad." Hideo said upset.
"No. He's not.. Don't think bad of him."

I heard a knock on the door and immediately went to open it.

"Mito... Hashirama... How was your night?"
"Tobirama fell in love!!!" Hashirama said shaking me.
"My sister... They disappeared together in the middle of dinner. I'm guessing they are... You know..." Mito said and my eyes widened.
"TOBIRAMA IS GETTING IT ON?!" I yelled and covered my mouth.
"That's the first time I've heard you yell in awhile..." Mito smirked at me.

I frowned, "Take your kid."

Hideo walked out and I immediately shut the door behind him.

I slid down the door trembling as tears slid down my face.

"Madara... You idiot..."

Tobirama's P.O.V

"Tobirama..." Miwa moaned as she sat on my lap as we kissed.

I put her down on my futon removing her clothing as she removed mine.

She laid under me, "Are you ready?"

Miwa asked me.

"I-I think so..."

"Your first time?"
"Sh-Shut Up." I said burying my head on her shoulder as the key entered the lock.

Mito's P.O.V

Hashirama, Hideo and I were walking home.

"Aunty Yoshi sad." Hideo said.
"What happened?" Hashirama asked.
"She cwy because Uncy Mada not here."

I sighed, "I didn't think Madara would take such a long break. Yoshima is stressing. Where is Madara?"

"No one knows.  He just wandered off." Hashirama said.

I'll be honest.
I did say that it was best for Yoshima to spend time by herself because I thought Madara would be gone for a few days. 
Not weeks.

Now I'm worried about Yoshima.  She must be stressing about a lot right now.

"Yoshima won't even let us into her house. The only way to bring her normal self back is if Madara comes back..." I sighed.
"When will be that?" Hashirama asked.
"I don't know..."

Madara's P.O.V

"Do you want more time to spend with your family?" I asked Aoi.
"No! I'm ready to train!" He said.

"Today I want to help you work on hand-to-hand combat skills."

"Come at me with your best shot." I said.
"Come at me."
"But I'll hurt you."
"You won't.

His eyes widened and he smirked.

"You asked for it."

He ran at me.
He tried to punch me, I caught his fist.
He tried to punch me with his other fist, I caught it as well.

I smirked as he gave an angry face.

He tried to kick me, I pushed him away.

"You have poor hand-to-hand combat skills." I said.
"No I don't!"
"You didn't have a chance against me. Well... I know I'm a beast, but your attacks are two obvious. What ever you just did wouldn't work unless you were really strong..." I said and he sighed.

"Fine! Make me strong!"
"Give me 100 push ups right now." I said and his eyes widened.
"Are you crazy?!"
"I'm making you strong. Do it, before I add more."

He growled and started to do the push ups.

I smirked.
Stubborn Kid.

Tobirama's P.O.V

"That was actually fun." I said out of breath beside the red head woman.
"It felt good didn't it."

I'm changing god dammit.
Damn you Mito for bringing this woman into my life.

"Y-Yeah.." I felt extremely embarrassed.
I couldn't help but blush.

Yoshima and Hashirama have done this before...
Well I can tell I've been missing out on a lot.

"I'm guessing this isn't your first time.." I closed my eyes as I put my arm around her waist.
"Yeah... It's my second... My first time... Umm... I'll leave that for another time." She said sadly.

"But, this being your first time, you were extremely good at it." She said and I blushed.

I moved her hair out of her face.

"Beautiful..." I whispered.

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