Chapter 10: Can't Get Over You

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Hashirama's P.O.V

"I'm leaving!" Yoshima said trying to get away, but I stopped her..

"Hear me out and understand why I brought you here." I looked at her with sincere eyes..

She still tried to leave..

"Please, Yoshima."

"Fine." She crossed her arms and turned her head frowning.

"I brought you here to help you.." I said.

"How does this help me?!  It brings back bad memories!" Yoshima said..

She looked like she wanted to breakdown..

I sat in front of the river and stared into the water..

I stared at her and she looked at me confused...

"Sit beside me."  I said and she did as told..

She stared into the water...

"What do you see?" I asked.

"I see...  Water..." She said plainly..

I sighed..

"What is the water doing?" I asked.  She looked up at me and looked back down.

"I guess moving..." She said.

"When I look at this river, I feel like my feelings get carried away..  It calms me..." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"When Itama died, I felt as if it was my fault...  Why couldn't I have made it there in time?  After witnessing Itama's corpse, I came to sit here and stare at the river as it soothes me.." I said.

She stared at the river...

"Yoshima, it's all my fault that-" she cut me off.

"No it isn't...  I'm making myself suffer because I want to...  I don't want to eat, or really do anything now that Madara's gone..  I just want to die." She said and my eyes widened.

"I won't allow that!  Not at all!"

"It's been a month, I wonder how long I'll be able to last."

"You'll definitely live for a loooonnnggg time!  Stop saying such things!"

She stared at me, I stared at her.

"Yoshima...  I want you to look at the river and let it take away the pain you've been holding in for so long...  Madara decided to leave you, and it looks like he isn't coming back, unless if it is to kill you."  I said..

"Maybe he did decide to leave me, maybe one day the man who caused me all the pain and suffering will end it by piercing my heart...  I-I still love him...  I can't forget about him." She said staring down at the river and tearing up.

"You can still love him, but don't let this lead to your death...  Look at the river Yoshima..." I said and she stared at it with her teary eyes.

"Do I have to?" She asked as her voice cracking.

"It's the only way..." I said.

Yoshima wiped her tears away and stared at the river.

I saw a smirk forming on her face.

"It is really calming..." She said now smiling.

I smiled back...  Looks like she's soon to return back to normal.

Madara's P.O.V

So Hashirama is getting Yoshima to let me go...

I can't believe I've been causing her pain for the past month...

Was she really planing to kill herself slowly?

She really thinks I'll kill her?

I was on top of a tree staring at the two...

"I guess this is all my doing.." 

I turned around about to leave, "This is for the best..."


"Madara!  Father wants to see you!" Izuna said grabbing onto my arm.


Izuna pulled me into father's room..

I sat down and father told Izuna to leave..

"I know, it probably was hard for you to let go of that girl in the Senju clan." He said.

"She's a Senju and I'm an Uchiha...  She's the enemy so it doesn't matter...  The clan is more important." I said and he smirked.

"As it looks I don't have to do much convincing..." He said.

"You know that girl more than anyone..  You know her strengths, weaknesses...  And as I recall you are probably her weakness...  Also you trained her...  Everything she knows is from you?"

"Most of it." What was he trying to get at...

"That girl is Yoshima Senju, the princess of the Senju clan...  You know, they believe if all fails, she'll be the one to carry the clan..."

My eyes widened, "Really?  They never wanted her to see daylight most of the time."

"That's because they wanted to protect her... Even if it means she wouldn't realize what was going on outside...  She wouldn't be known...  They wanted her to be a secret weapon..."

So Yoshima was a secret weapon?

"They gave a little freedom and hell broke lose.  All the other clans found out about her existence, at times she was almost ambushed, and she even fell in love with the enemy..." My father said and I had a light blush.

"Madara...  You are the only one who can do this job...  This is a mission from me, your father...  If this isn't done, Izuna can be put at risk." 

I looked at my father with determined eyes, "I'll protect Izuna no matter what.."

"Madara, I want you to go on an assassination mission, to kill Yoshima Senju." My father said...

I kept my calm look, "Understood..."

"You are dismissed."

I can kill Yoshima...  Right?

It's for Izuna...
It's for Izuna...

But I'm still madly in love with Yoshima.

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