Chapter 50: The Battles Begin

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Madara's P.O.V

"M-Madara!  It hurts!" Yoshima said holding my hand tightly.
"It's okay.  You'll get through Yoshima." I said giving her a light smile.

Hashirama's P.O.V

Yoshima is in labour.
Mito, Hideo, Tobirama, and I are waiting outside of the room.

"She sounds like she's in a lot of pain." Mito said having a worried expression.
"She'll be fine." Tobirama said as Hideo sat on his lap fast asleep.

"Hashirama!" I heard and turned to see Kazumi.
"Oh.  Hi." I said and she smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well Madara has been a close friend of mine for years, I want to congratulate him.  He's going to be a father." She said clasping her hands together.

"Ugh." Mito clutched her stomach and gave an irritated look.
"What's wrong?!" I asked.
"I sense something, no someone...  Strong.." She said and I started to run.

"Hashirama!" She yelled.

It must be him.
It must be shadow.

He's here.
If he came to the hospital, his intentions is the baby!

Tobirama's P.O.V

"Don't go!  Hashirama can handle the situation." Kazumi said stopping Mito from running.
"Get out of my way!" Mito said pushing her back causing Kazumi to stumble back.

"He can't handle the situation alone...  He'll-  he'll..." Mito said clutching her head nervously.

"Mito." I said and go up.

"She's right you shouldn't go." I said.
"What?"  Mito said shocked.
"But she's also wrong." I said handing Mito, Hideo.

Kazumi glared at me.

"I'm going to help Hashirama." I said.

"Mito, be careful."  I said and started to run.

"Wait!" I heard Kazumi's voice.

There is something about that Kazumi girl...  That I don't like.

Shadow's P.O.V

I looked at Hashirama, "You can't beat me."
He clutched his arm as blood dripped down.

"Shut Up!  What do you want with Yoshima, and Madara's child?" He yelled.
"That's none of your business."
"Who are you?"
"That's none of your business."

He started to weave hand signs and sent wood spears at me.

I dodged it easily.

Just then someone kicked me.

I quickly jumped back.

"Tobirama?  What are you doing here?!" Hashirama asked.
"I'm saving your butt, idiot." Tobirama said as he stood in front of Hashirama with a fighting stance.

"So you are the one who pinned me to a tree..." Tobirama said smirking at me.

"What's your name?"  He asked.
"Why does it matter?" I asked.
"Well, you infiltrated this village, you knocked out my sister-in-law and my nephew, you kidnapped my sister by the way she was pregnant, you killed my friend, and you pinned me to a tree WITH A KATANA!  Oh you hurt my brother aka the leader of this village.  Wait, do I need to go on?  Or should I hand Hashirama the mic?" Tobirama said and I gritted my teeth.

I looked at the hospital behind them.

Soon that baby will be born.
I have to take them down, as well as Mito, and not to mention Madara who'll probably be waiting to kill me.

Hopefully Kazumi figures out something.

The only good thing is that Yoshima will be exhausted and weak and the baby won't be able to do anything.

I smirked, "Hm...  I didn't realize that I did that much damage."

"Anyways, your goal is to find out my identity and plans?" I said and Tobirama gritted his teeth.

"You'll have to rip this mask off of my dead body..." I said in a terrifying voice and Tobirama came at me.

Let the battle begin.

Kazumi's P.O.V

I let Hashirama and Tobirama get to Shadow.
He'll totally try to kill me.

I need to take Mito down without causing an uproar in here.

I touched my eye.
I don't possess the Sharingan.

I need to act fast.

"Are you ok?" Mito asked as Hideo sat beside her.

"Mama, where Dada?" Hideo asked looking worried.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." She said patting his head.

I infused chakra in my right hand and sent my hand straight through Mito's stomach.

She coughed out blood.


Damn that kid.

"What...  What do you think you are doing?" She said glaring at me as the mark on her forehead started to spread throughout her body.

I removed my hand and the cut immediately healed.

My eyes widened, what the hell...
I jumped back.

"Hideo!  Run over there." Mito said as he ran towards another room anime crying.

"So your intentions were bad all along." Mito said as we stood in front of each other.

"What I sensed earlier, it's your ally, huh?" She said and I gritted my teeth.

"So what, you won't beat me." I said and she smirked.

"I'll let you know, Im no ordinary Shinobi." She said pointing to her forehead.

"I won't let you hurt my family." She said and punched me in my stomach.

I flew back and fell on the ground and spat out blood.

"Come on, don't tell me that's all you've got?  The battle is just beginning." Mito said with a scary glare.

So the battles begin.
Author's note:
The Baby's Coming!
ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3

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