Chapter 69: Miwa Uzumaki

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Madara's P.O.V

"Sensei, tomorrow morning we'll train right away, right?" Aoi asked as I laid him in bed.
"No.  Let's take a break.  You've been working so hard." I said sitting beside his bed.
"Trust me.  I want you to continue training, but you haven't spent much time with your father or sister." I said and sighed.
"Okay..." He huffed.

Very stubborn kid.

"Aoi, can I ask you a question?"
"What would you do to the men who killed your mom, took away your food, and money?" I asked him and his eyebrows furrowed.
"With the strength I have, I will kill them.  They don't deserve to be on this earth.  They ruined my family.  If we had more food, Aiko wouldn't have starved.  If they left us be, mama would still be here right now." He said and my eyes widened.

Tobirama killed Izuna.
Yoshima killed Shizuko.

"What...  What if they were your best friend?  Your bestfriend's brother?  Your lover possibly?"
"Don't tell me your wife and your bestfriend's brother killed someone in your family." He said squinting at me.

I sweat dropped, "N-Never...  Just wondering.  That's all."

"I...  I would kill them in a heart beat."

My eyes widened.

"How could someone close betray me like that?!  I would never forgive them.  They don't deserve to be on this earth.  If you let them live, you'll feel the pain of how someone so close to you hurt you so bad, that it'd be almost next to impossible to live with that pain." He said and I clenched my Yukata.

"I'm fine...  You just...  Opened my eyes..."

Mito's P.O.V

"I want you two to meet Miwa Uzumaki." I said as the red head woman stood beside me.

"Hi.." She smiled.
"She's adorable isn't she?" I said with a smile and she blushed.
"Sure." Tobirama turned frowning.
"Yes she is Mito!" Hashirama said with a smile.

"So Miwa...  That's Hashirama my husband, and your date for tonight, Tobirama.." I said pointing at the angered grey haired man.
"I don't want to be here." Tobirama said and I sweat dropped.

"Their sister Yoshima is pregnant and her husband is away. She's going through some hard times and wants to be alone.. Tobirama is worried about her." I said to Miwa and she walked towards Tobirama.

She bowed, "I understand if you don't want to go. I'm sorry if my sister has been harsh." Miwa said to Tobirama.

He smirked and I started to crack my knuckles.

"You better go Tobirama!" I said and a blue tint appeared under his eye.

"Alright! Alright!"

"MAMA!!" Hideo ran towards me hugging my leg.

Miwa turned to face Hideo.

"So you are the adorable boy I keep hearing about." Miwa bended down to Hideo's height and smiled.

Tobirama's P.O.V

Miwa...  She was really nice, but I'm not interested in anyone and I don't want to be.

Hideo came running and she bent down in front of me.

My eye twitched and I covered my mouth.

Daaammnnnn!  She got a fine ass!!!
It's not too big, not too small...
Extremely round...
It's the perfect size.

"I see you Tobirama." Hashirama said giving me a thumbs up.

He started to make kissy faces.

I started to blush and turned back to Miwa's body..

Her curves make it even better.

I looked down to see a tent a forming on my pants.


I got up and ran out of the room hearing Hashirama's laugh in the background.

Miwa was sure one fine woman!

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