Chapter 47: Escaped

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Madara's P.O.V

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOSHIMA WAS KIDNAPPED?!" I gripped the man's shirt and yelled.
"Tobirama knows more. You should check him in the hospital! He witnessed it!" He said and I pushed him away.


"Tobirama..." Hashirama said looking at the bandaged man limp in bed.
"You should go check Mito and Hideo..." I said.
"Hashirama! You must be worried! Stop hiding it and go check up on them!" I yelled.
"Ok." He smiled softly and quickly left.

I can't believe he took Yoshima away.
I sat in the chair beside Tobirama's bed and buried my head into my hands.

I gripped my hair as my eyes widened.
I'm so stupid! How could I let this happen?!
I let him play me!

"Madara?" I looked up to see Tobirama struggling to sit up.
"OY! Don't push yourself!" I said and he managed to sit up somehow.

"Idiot! Why are you here?! Find Yoshima!" He said.
"You don't have even a hint of where she is?"
"Why would I?!"

Dammit! I wasted time!

I got up and quickly left the room.
I'm going to have to find Yoshima myself.

I quickly left the hospital and ran towards the forest.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

Still in the cave.
It's still raining out.
It was daytime I believe.

I looked to see the man leaning against the wall sleeping.

This is my chance to escape!

I got up and slowly tip toed across the man.
I reached the entrance of the cave and dashed for the forest.

I won't get captured again.

I felt a hand grab my arm, "What do you think you are doing?"


"Do you really think I'd let my guard down like that?"

I fell on my side, scrapping my arm.
It started to bleed, a lot.

"Yoshima Uchiha, you won't see Madara ever again." He said coming at me.

I quickly stood up.

"Yes I will!" I said.

"Do you even realize the position you are in?" I asked smirking evilly.
"What are you saying?"
"It's raining.  Water Style is one of my strengths.  You won't get out of here alive."
"Sure..." He said and I growled.

I started to do hand signs, "Water Style!  Drilling Water Spears!"

A bunch of spears appeared before him.

"What?!" He gasped shocked.

I heard his horrifying scream and I started to run.

I need to get back home.

Did I kill Shadow?

I don't know.  I'm too afraid to look back.

Hashirama's P.O.V

"Where's Madara?!" I yelled confused as I entered Tobirama's room.

Mito and Hideo weren't injured. They were perfectly fine. It lifted a weight off my shoulders.

"He went to go find Yoshima." Tobirama said.
"What?! Why?!"
"You guys thought to get some information from me. I have now clue's on where Yoshima could possibly be. So he left immediately." Tobirama said.

"Are you ok?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Yeah... I want to kill that guy. How dare he do such a thing to this family?!" Tobirama yelled.
"Calm down. We can't risk you getting even more hurt."

"Hashirama... Can you please..." I looked at Tobirama whose's eyes suddenly started to close.

I realized his bandages started to turn red.


Madara's P.O.V


I need to find her.
I can't think about anything else but her and our child she's holding.

If he dare hurts her, I tear him into pieces and feed him to dogs!

Actually, no matter what happens... I'm going to kill him.

Him just kidnapping Yoshima gives me a killing instinct.

This rain is getting heavier and heavier.

I felt my Mangekyou Sharingan activate.

"YOSHIMA!!!" I screamed.
"M-Madara..." I heard.

My eyes widened and I started to follow the voice.

"M-Madara..." She said and fell into my arms.
"Yoshima." I said hugging her tightly.

"Madara." I heard her voice crack. She was about to cry.

I placed my lips on hers. We passionately kissed in the pouring rain.

We started to tongue a bit, before we parted.

"I'm so sorry.. It's my fault." I said frowning.
"No. It isn't... You didn't expect this to happen. You were going to find more about him right?" She said and I started to cry onto her shoulder.

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