Chapter 72: A Month Away

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Yoshima's P.O.V

It's been a month since you left...

My eyes slowly opened revealing me alone in the futon.

Maybe he's not even going to come back.

I got up and picked up Kuro who was already awake.

How long have you been awake?

Kuro has changed too.

"You are 2 months old.. Stop being stubborn.." I said with a smile.

I started to tickle him a bit and he giggled.

Damn...  Where are you Madara?

Madara's P.O.V

Aoi and I were training...

"Madara!  Aoi!  The Shinobi are back!"
"Let's go Aoi!  It's time to put what you've learned to the test!"

"Madara... You won't be able to take them down...  They have their boss with them..." Kaede said and I frowned.
"Don't doubt my power..." I said and he sighed.
"I hope you can take all of them down."

"They brought their whole crew."

I gritted my teeth...

This is going to be a bit of hell.

Mito's P.O.V

"Tobirama!  Can I have my sister back?!" I said knocking his house door.

The door opened revealing him shirtless.

"No." He quickly closed the door.

"You know this is abduction?!"
"She wants to be here, so it isn't!"  He yelled.

"Ok....  Can we at least talk for a bit?"

He opened the door.

"Miwa has had quiet a rough past.  She-"
"Mito!" Miwa came and hugged me.


"Tobirama can you leave us alone for a bit?" Miwa said and he left.

"What are you trying to do? I'll tell him about my past myself." She said in a growl.
"Fine fine... Will you please at least get out of his bed for awhile?"
"I'm rarely in his bed... Tobirama feels keeping me inside a lot is how he can protect me from dangers. He told me he didn't want me to get injured like how you and Yoshima get injured." Miwa said plainly.

I sweat dropped.

When did Tobirama become so overprotective...

I smiled.
"If you ever let go of Tobirama, I'll kill you..." I laughed.
"What?" She quaked.
"I'm just joking, but please... Don't let go of him." I said.
"I wasn't planning to."

Madara's P.O.V

We returned to the village to see fires, people getting beaten and dragged out of their homes.

"We have to stop them!" Aoi yelled.
"There's too much of them..." I sighed.

If I let Aoi fight, he'll be happy, but he'll get in my way.
If I don't let him fight, he'll be upset, but I can fight more freely.

"Kaede...  Take Aoi and go inside."
"What?!  I thought you said-"
"You won't fight now.  I'll need your help later...  Just go!" I yelled.

He gave me a disappointed look as they both ran away.

"Why don't you leave these people alone and face me!" I yelled and they all turned their attention towards me.

"Is this guy an idiot?!" One of them laughed.
"He so dead.

I swiftly moved and stabbed him with my Katana.

I pulled it out of him as he dropped, "Anyone else has something to say?"

I glared at them and they all stepped back.

"When I was younger, a group of you guys was nothing."

"So you are the mystery guy..."

A bigger man walked in front of the group.

"The boss, huh?  Face me!  If you lose, you leave."
"Haha!  Attack him!"

They all came at me.

I smirked, "You asked for it!"

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