Chapter 9: Depressed

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Yoshima's P.O.V

"Yoshima, it's time to wake up.."  Tobirama said as he slid my room door open...

"I don't feel like waking up." I said...

It's been about a month.

Madara, he's gone...  He's the enemy...  Nothing really matters anymore..

"Everyone is worried about you...  You haven't been eating that much lately..." He said.

"Tell them not to worry...  I'm fine..." I said..

After that day...  Madara left...

I have been just so cold and distant...

I feel like I lost my purpose in life.

"Yoshima...  I know it's been a month, but you do know this was for the best.." Tobirama said.

I just stayed silent...

"You know all you are doing is angering father, right?  You are losing your chance to be a Shinobi..." Tobirama said.

"What ever you are trying to do won't get me out of this bed..."  I said and Tobirama sighed..

"Hashirama is really worried...  He feels that this is his fault."

"Tell him it isn't."

Tobirama got tired and left after that.

Tobirama's P.O.V

Yoshima's being really stubborn.  She should just be happy that, that Uchiha is out of her life..

I entered the family room.

My mother's eyes lightened up..  She stared at me obviously asking if she is doing any better.

I shook my head and she went back to her upset mood.

My mother has never been so upset in her life time.

Hashirama was really upset to the point he just stays in his room whenever it wasn't time to eat, or when father calls him.

Father was just in an angry mood blaming that Uchiha for bringing depression into our family.

None of us knew that this would be a huge issue.

"Butsuma...  Something needs to be done..  Yoshima hasn't been eating, or getting out..  She just locks herself in that room of hers.  She's going to get really sick."  My mother said burying her head into her hands.

"Don't worry..  I'm thinking about a solution to the problem.."  My father said with his arms crossed thinking hard.

"She said not to worry because she's fine..."  I said.

"She's obviously lying.." Father said...

"I'm going to go check up on Hashirama." I said.

Father nodded at me and I made my way to his room.


Hashirama's P.O.V

Yoshima...  It's all my fault...  I vowed to protect your happiness...  In the end, I've made you so depressed...

I'm such a failure...

I buried my head into my hands and started to tear up..

Why couldn't Madara not care about our clans' rivalry and just love Yoshima?

Why couldn't I be more careful to make sure no one was watching us.

Just then I heard my door slide open..

I turned to see Tobirama walk in..

"She's says it's not your fault, you know?" He said.

"She's just saying that to make me feel better...  But instead it makes me feel worse." I said in an angered tone.

Tobirama was the one who told father.

Tobirama sighed and sat in front of me.

"You can be mad at me all I want, but you know that I can't disobey father..."

I ignored him.

"Anyways, you and Yoshima basically have lost someone so very dear to you...  This is not the first time you two lost something so important.."  Tobirama said.

I started to think about Itama and Kawarama.

"When Itama died... You were on your way to go save him right?"

I nodded.

"You have gotten over it..."

"Not completely..."

"But you don't cry or mourn...  You have basically gotten over it.."

"So...  What's your point?"

"How did you get over it?  Maybe that can help Yoshima...  Don't blame yourself for anything...  You are the only one that can probably fix up Yoshima before it's too late, Hashirama..."  Tobirama said.

I think I know how to help Yoshima...

I wiped my tears away, "Thank you, Tobirama."

He just gave me a smirk in return.

Yoshima's P.O.V

Mother has been trying to give me food, but I'm not eating anything...

I don't want anything.

"Yoshima!"  I looked up at my window to see Hashirama.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I want to show you something.."

"I don't want to see it..."

"You are coming whether you like it or not.."  Hashirama grabbed my hand pulled me up.

"Let go of me!" I tried to pull away but he threw me over his shoulder...

"Hashirama!!!"  I screamed...

"Mother and father allowed me to do this..." He said and started to dash for the forest.


I realized where we were going...

"Hashirama!  I don't want to go to the river bank!" I said hitting his back.

"I'm sorry Yoshima, but it's the only way..." Hashirama said..

I felt Hashirama come to a stop... 

I started to see rocks and hear water flowing.

"We are here..." He said and put me down.

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