Chapter 44: Shadow

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*1 week later*
Madara's P.O.V
Yoshima told me about her nightmare.

It sounds like the guy who keeps telling me he'll take everything away from me was in there.

I think it was a Genjutsu.  He somewhat got into my house and...

"Madara?" Yoshima said staring at me as we walked through the village.

"What's wrong?  You are tightening your fist and gritting your teeth." She said and I calmed down.

We were on our way to the Senju compound.

"It's nothing.  Please don't worry about me." I said kissing her forehead.

Then we continued to walk.

Hashirama's P.O.V

How can this village be ran...
I thought looking through the papers on my desk.

"I don't have anything." I hit my head on the table.

"Hashirama Senju." I heard a weird voice and saw a man in dark clothing.  All that was shown was his eyes.
"Who are you?  What are you doing here?"  I asked as he stared at me.
"Well you can call me Shadow...  I want to discuss some matters." He said.

I quickly got up and walked towards him.

"You barge into my home and ask to discuss some matters?!" I said angrily.
"Fine.  Let's have a small talk." He said and I growled.

"How did you even get in here?"
"That doesn't matter."

"Hashirama, I'll come for you when the time is right.  Be prepared.  I'll make your life a living hell." He said and quickly disappeared.

What the hell?

Just then Yoshima and Madara entered my office.


I immediately hugged her.  It feels like I haven't seen her in ages.

"Madara." I said releasing Yoshima.

"We need to discuss...stuff." I said and he gave me a weird look.

"I'll go find Mito."  Yoshima said and left quickly.

I sat at my desk.

"Right before you two came, a guy came in here..." I said and Madara's eyes widened.
"Dark clothing, only eyes showing?" Madara asked and I nodded.
"Yeah!  Shadow!" I said and he gave me a confused look.
"Yeah.  He did give me his name, but he said I can call him Shadow."
"Shadow, huh?" Madara frowned.

"What did he say to you?" Madara asked.
"He'd make my life a living hell so I should be prepared." I said.
"He said he'd make my life a living hell!" Madara said.

Who is this guy?

"Yoshima had a dream about that guy. I don't think it was a dream. I think it was a Genjutsu." Madara said and my eyes widened.
"He managed to trap her in a Genjutsu?"
"Yes. Also to make her believe it was a dream. He said stuff about how she should leave me, and she shouldn't have a child." Madara said and I gritted my teeth.

I punched the table, "Who does this bastard think he is?! If he's trying ruin you and Yoshima's happiness, I'll.. I'll..." Madara put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll deal with him. Don't worry.  You don't need to stress yourself out." He said and my eyes widened.

"When I first saw him, it was the day before I proposed to Yoshima."
"That long ago?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I thought I was imagining him. He was holding a Kunai to her neck."
"Madara, he needs to be taken down immediately." I said.
"I know, but when he comes... He leaves without a trace." Madara said looking out the window.
"Maybe we can think about what he has told us, then we can find a clue." I said and Madara nodded.

"Once, he told me to say hi to Yoshima and Kazumi for him." Madara said.
"Who's Kazumi?"
"An Uchiha female."
"Do you think Kazumi would have some type of connection with the man?" I said and Madara closed his eyes and sighed.
"There's only one way to find out." He said walking towards the door.

"Let's go talk to Kazumi."

Yoshima's P.O.V

Mito and I were catching up with each other as to each other as we both sat on the couch. Hideo was playing with some toys on the ground.

Just then Madara and Hashirama walked into the room.

"We are going to the Uchiha compound." Hashirama said.
"Why?" Mito asked.
"Urgent business that needs to be dealt with." Madara said.
"Tell us!" I said whining.

"Not yet." Madara said kissing my forehead.

Hashirama kissed Mito and started to walk towards the door.

"Da...da..." Hideo struggled to say as Hashirama stopped walking.

"HIDEO!" Hashirama yelled running to hug his son.

"DADA IS HERE!" He yelled anime crying.

"It's Hideo's first word!" Mito said anime crying as well.

"Well...  It's not technically a word." I said.
"Shut up!"

I felt depression overcome me as a dark aura surrounded me.


"You still have that depression issue?!" Madara yelled.

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