Chapter 16: Verge of Death

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Hashirama's P.O.V

Madara needs to get here as soon as possible.

Just then I saw him running towards me with Yoshima in his arms.

He stood in front of me and looked at me with a sad look and looked down at Yoshima.

I looked at Yoshima and my eyes widened.

"What happened?!" I said checking her pulse.
"A guy from the Harogomo clan tried to kill her." He said.

I took Yoshima from his arms.

"Tell Yoshima, I'll be visiting the river bank every day at noon for an hour..  I won't stop coming until she comes." Madara said and I nodded.

"And Hashirama...  Please make sure Yoshima stays alive." He said and on that note he left.

"Father!!!!!  I have Yoshima!!!" I said running towards the main household.


Yoshima was laying in bed. She looked so lifeless..

She was really pale... And she hasn't awoken for awhile.

"Yoshima..." I said placing her hand in mines as I sat beside her.

"Hashirama, has she awoken?" Mother asked walking into the room. I shook my head.
"She looks really pale mother..."  I said.
"I know..  I guess all we can do is hope for the best." My mother said and sat beside me.
"You get some rest." I nodded getting up.

I looked once more at Yoshima before leaving the room.


Madara's P.O.V

"The Harogomo clan did what?!" My father asked.
"They kidnapped Yoshima, so I had to get her from them myself." I said.
"What did you do to the Harogomo clan?"
"I set an explosion.."
"Why would you do that?"
"They knew I was sent to kill Yoshima. I see it as a betrayal. There's no room for betrayal..." I said and father smirked.
"Where's Yoshima now?"
"Back with the Senju... My whole plan was ruined since the Harogomo had her. I decided it was best to give her back to the Senju."
"I don't think that was the best idea Madara, but I'll let you off this time." He said and I got up and left his room.


"Yoshima's alive?!" Shizuko asked me.
"Why would you spare her?"
"My plan was ruined."
"You didn't have to go with your plan..."
"But I wanted to.." I said with an attitude.
"You are quite stubborn Madara.."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes you are. I know you could've killed her on the spot, but you decided not to!" Shizuko said gritting her teeth.
"I don't need you to nag me. I did what I wanted to do! It was my mission! Don't tell me what I could've done!" I got up.
"Shizuko...  You are changing..." I said and left the room.

I can't be heartless with Yoshima.

Tobirama's P.O.V

Yoshima hasn't woke up yet..

Her breathing is really slow, and possibly she can die at any moment.. I was sitting beside her watching her...

Just then her breathing stopped.

"Yoshima?" I placed my ear to her chest.
"Yoshima?!" She's not breathing.

"Mother!!!!" I yelled and she came rushing into the room.
"She's not breathing!!!"

Mother placed her hands on Yoshima's chest and started to heal her.

"Yoshima... Come on!!" Mother said and then the breathing resumed.

"I'll stay here Tobirama..  Please get some rest.." Mother said and I nodded.

I walked out of the room.

She could've died...  My eyes widened...
I started to wipe my eyes with my arm.  I realized my arms was wet..
I'm actually crying..
I'm really scared for Yoshima.

Madara's P.O.V

I laid in my bed thinking about Yoshima.. 
I hope she's ok.

"You better not die Yoshima.." I whispered to myself.

I wonder what she's doing right now..
Probably sleeping, or still passed...

Shizuko is slowly being consumed by evil..
Wanting to kill Yoshima..  Sigh..

Well...  She's just following father's expectations.

Yoshima's the enemy.

My room door opened and Shizuko walked in.
She looked angry.

"I'm changing Madara?!  You betrayed the clan!!  You had a chance to kill Yoshima, but you let her live!  As a matter of fact you made sure she lived!"  Shizuko yelled.
"Didn't I tell you it was my mission my decision?!"

Shizuko slapped me across the face, "You are a disgrace to the Uchiha...  Especially coming from the main household.  I may be changing but I'm changing for the better!  You are changing for the worst!  If this prolongs, you'll be helping the Senju out rather than your own clan!  If you want to be a traitor, be one Madara...  Just don't forget what you are putting out on the line."  She said and left the room.

I stared at the ground.

Is that really true?

I'm changing for the worst?

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