Chapter 38: Time to Seal the Deal

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*5 Months Later*

Yoshima's P.O.V

Half of the village was built.

"That bump is really starting to show." I said to Mito as we sat and watched the construction.
"Yeah." She said looking down at her stomach and rubbing it.

"The wedding is after you give birth?" I asked and she nodded.
"I want to fit nicely in my Kimono. Plus I don't want to risk hurting the baby." Mito said and I smiled.
"I see."

"Mito?" I asked her.
"When do you think Madara's gonna pop up the big question?" I asked.
"The big question?"

Her eyes widened and she slowly smiled, "Madara is hard to read. I don't really know Yoshima." She said and I sighed.

"I want to spend eternity with him. Marriage seals the deal, you know?" I said and she giggled.

"You know my father tried to give me an arranged marriage with Haru..."

Madara's P.O.V

Yoshima sighed as she stared out the window of her room.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Just looking at a bunch of trees." Then she sighed again.
"Something's wrong?" I asked her.
"Nothing is wrong." She sighed again.
"What's wrong woman?!" I asked yelling.

She looked at me then looked out of the window, then sighed.


I growled and she sighed again.

"Madara..  Do you really love me?" She asked me.
"Of course.  Why would you ask that?" I asked and she sighed.
"Oh...  No reason." She said in a sad tone.

I looked at her neck.
She was wearing the necklace.

I smiled and blushed a bit.

I covered my mouth, "You don't have to wear the necklace you know.." I said and she sighed.
"I love you a lot.  I wear all the time because its something special to me." I felt my face burn up and I started to cough.
"I see."

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

"What's wrong?" I asked squeezing her.
"You sound upset."
"Trust me.  I'm fine." She said.

"Please let go of me.  You are...  Killing me.." She coughed.
"Yoshima, you are my lover.  I'll always be here for you.  Please...  If I did something wrong, tell me.." I said feeling my voice crack holding her tighter.

I heard her sniff.
I let go of her and she placed her face on my chest.

"I-I don't feel like you love me Madara!" She yelled crying.

Just then Yoshima fell.
I quickly caught her, "Yoshima!"

I tear slipped out of her eye.

"She has a very bad fever." Mito said sitting beside Yoshima.

"I placed a rag on her head to try and cool it.  It will need to be soaked again once it dries up." Mito said and I looked at Yoshima sadly.

"She said she feels like I don't love her.  Why would she feel that way?" I said feeling depressed.
"Madara, you and Yoshima have been together for such a long time." Mito said and I nodded.

"How long now?  3 years?" She asked and I nodded.
"Don't you think it's time to seal the deal?  Yoshima probably feels that way because she might want to take it to the next level."
"I've thought of marriage many times, but anyone who gets close to me dies.  I'm afraid of starting a family.  I had brothers and a sister.  They died.  Including my parents.  I couldn't protect them.  How can I get married and have kids when I'm not strong enough to protect them?  I feel that Yoshima and I shouldn't be together, but I know if I lost her, I would break, lose my mind..." I said and started to cry.
"There are many times you'll have to overcome obstacles in a relationship Madara.  Getting the courage to marry Yoshima is one.  If you don't seal the deal, someone may steal her from you!  Madara stop being a chicken!" Mito said and I started to cough.
"...did you just call me a chicken?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yes!  You are acting like that!" She said.

"Why don't you talk to Hashirama about this?  He had a hard time asking me to marry him.  I'll watch Yoshima." She said and I got up and left the room.


"Hashirama...  I think Yoshima wants to get married, but I'm afraid I won't be able to protect her." I said.
"Idiot!" Hashirama slapped the back of my head and my eye twitched.
"Yoshima is a strong woman! You are the one who needs protecting!" Hashirama said.

"You are afraid to take a risk for her! If you really love her, then seal the deal! Be with her for eternity."

"To you, marriage may sound silly a bit, but to Yoshima... It's been no joke.. She's been dreaming of her wedding forever. When Father tried to force her with Haru, it broke her heart.. The only person she wanted was you. You have her now, and have had her for awhile. Nothing's stopping you.. I don't see why you guys shouldn't get married." Hashirama said and I took a deep breath.
"I'll ask Yoshima to marry me." I slowly took out a ring from my pocket.

"You have the ring?! Already?!" Hashirama yelled.

"Tobirama..." I said walking towards the man who stood outside and stared at the moon.

"What's up?" He gave me a weird look.
"What do you want Madara?" He asked.
"Can't we just have a normal conversation?"
"No." He said and I growled.

"I want to marry Yoshima." I said.
"You want to seal the deal, huh?"

"I'm asking for your blessing." I said.
"For my what?" He said confused.
"You and Hashirama watch Yoshima. It's only right if I do it this way."
"You sound like a whole different person!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"You know the moon, it reminds me of my mother. Standing outside and staring at it makes me feel calm. I feel her watching me. I'm finally an adult. I can imagine her scolding me of what I should and shouldn't do. She'd probably be trying to get me to marry and have kids." Tobirama said smiling at the moon.
"I'm sorry.. About your mother." I said.
"It was the war... I'm still mad at you to the point I want to kill you, but... I guess I see why you got so angry." He said.

He looked at me and sighed, "If you are asking for my blessing, I'm saying yes. You make Yoshima happy. I don't want to rid her of happiness. Not that much people can make her happy like you do." He said and I smirked.

"Who knew Tobirama could be so soft.."
"Shut up!"

I entered Yoshima's room.
She was still laying in bed fast asleep.

Just then a dark figure appeared sitting beside her and staring at me.

He put a Kunai against Yoshima's neck.

"Madara Uchiha, I'm going to make your life a living hell." The figure said and quickly disappeared.

What I feared is already happening.

I sat beside Yoshima and watched her.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." I said and kissed her cheek.

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