Chapter 31: Rejected

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Madara's P.O.V

Yoshima and I walked towards the main house.

I see she's dating that Haru guy...

"Madara... Have another drink with me.. *hiccup*". Hashirama said slumped on a table.
I felt my eye twitch, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"What do you mean? *hiccup*"
"You've drank way too much already."
"No I haven't! Take that *hiccup* back!"

"Brother! You are drinking way too much!" Tobirama yelled moving the sake away from Hashirama.
"But Mother... I'm celebrating.." Hashirama said and I felt my eye twitch.
I snickered, "Mother?"
A dark aura surrounded Tobirama, "...Mother?"

"NO ONE GIVE HASHIRAMA ANYMORE TO DRINK!" Tobirama said and everyone around him nodded a bit afraid of the man.

Yoshima and I walked towards the side of the main house.

I leaned against it, "So the war is finally over, hm.."
"Yeah." Yoshima said smiling.

"Hashirama is extremely happy from the ending of the war.  He hasn't really been this happy for about over a decade." She said looking back at the drunk man.
"I see." I said drinking some sake.

"Thank you." She said.
"Ending the war.  Everyone looks more lively." She said smiling looking at the Uchiha and Senju getting along.
"It's your brother you should be thanking.  He's been giving me all this talk about ending the war.  It finally got to me." I said smiling.

"Do you want a sip?" I asked her and she shook her head.
"I don't drink."
"Oh yeah..  You are 16." I said ruffling her hair.
"No!  That's not the actual case." She said fixing her  hair.

"I don't find it smart to drink!" She said crossing her arms and turning away.
"Is that so.." I said smirking.

"Do you want something else, other than sake?" I asked and she shook her head.

"So you have a new boyfriend..."  I said taking another sip of Sake.
Her eyes widened and jaw dropped, "What?!"
"That Haru guy. 5 years ago you guys had your first kiss-"
"We did?!" Yoshima said shocked.
"I remember seeing you two in the woods. You were crying and you kissed." I said and a vein appeared on her forehead.
"You were spying on us?!"
"Well... No."
"You are wrong, Madara. I never kissed him, and we aren't dating!" Yoshima said.
"I saw what I saw."
"You saw wrong! I'll tell you the whole story."

"My father was mad that I still was in love with you and he said I'd have an arranged marriage! I left the house and cried. Haru found me and wanted to calm me down." Yoshima said and my eyes widened.
"Arranged marriage? With who?"
"H-Haru." She was frowning and blushing at the same time.

I gritted my teeth, him huh?

"Are you two married?"
"No!  It was eventually called off!" She said puffing her cheeks and I smirked.
"He seems to really like you though."
"What?! No! We'll always be just friends."
"Good." I said.

I pinned her against the house and cupped her face.

"You've changed a lot." I said staring down at her and her face turned red like a tomato.
"M-Madara!" She said and pushed me away.
"Someone's embarrassed." I laughed a bit looking at her hide her face.

"So you are single?" I asked her and she nodded returning back to normal.
"Do you... Do you want to... Date again?" I asked scratching the back of my head and she frowned and blushed again.

She..  Frowned?

"We- we can't..." She said sighing.
"Why not? The war was what separated us and now that it's over-"
"The war also pulled us farther apart, Madara." She said.
"You... You killed my mother. You weren't even forced to do it. I can't date you." Yoshima said.
"She killed my mother. I couldn't turn away from that." I said.

Yoshima ran away from me.

Even though I killed her mother, Yoshima also killed Shizuko... Right in front of my eyes.

"I need some more sake." I sighed.

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