Chapter 73: Coming Home

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Mito's P.O.V

"Yoshima!!! We are going to the hospital!" I yelled banging on her door.

She opened the door, "No thank you."

"Come on. We have to see if the baby is okay?" I said worried.
"The baby is fine."
"How do you know?"
"I just... Know..."

We glared at each other for a bit.

"Get your butt out the door right now." I said grabbing her arm and pulling her out.
"Noooooooooooo!!! The light!!!! It burrrrnnnnssss!!!!" She yelled.

"Damn. You haven't been out for awhile.. Huh?" I watched the woman who was squinting her eyes.

"Let's go..."
"I hate you."

Madara's P.O.V

I was taking down the Shinobi easily..

None of them showed ninjutsu as of yet..

I started to do hand signs.
"Fire Style! Fireball Justu!" A giant fireball left my mouth.

One of them started to hand signs and blew a gust of wind towards me.

"AHHHH!!!" I heard as some of them burned.

I managed to take most of them down...

"Stop!  If you move any closer..." They brought out Ayano, "She dies..."

"How did you-"

"You don't remember me?" The man that invaded the house a month ago came out.

"With a hostage, you won't be able to do anything!"
"Madara... I'm scared..." Ayano said as they put a blade to her neck.

"Don't worry... I'll save you!" I yelled.

"Are you sure about that... What will move fast, the blade or your feet..." The boss smirked holding Ayano by her hair.

"Stop it hurts!" She cried as tears left her eyes.

"Surrender and she lives."

I can't risk Ayano.
Aoi and Kaede have been through too much.
If she dies... I don't know what will happen...

"Sensei!!! Don't surrender!!!" I heard Aoi's voice as he kicked the boss down from behind.

"Aoi!" Ayano smiled as he carried her bridal style.

I smirked.
I taught him well.

"Kill those two!!!" They yelled and Kaede appeared in front of them.

"No one's going to kill my children!" He growled.

I quickly appeared in front of the family.

"There's no need for sacrifices... I'll kill them all." I said as I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan...

Blue flames left my body creating the Susanoo..

"What the hell is that?!" I heard the Shinobi yelled.
"I knew something was up with him! It's Madara Uchiha! The leader of the Uchiha clan!"
"I didn't know I was that well known..."

"What are we in?!" Ayano cried.
"Don't worry." I said and smiled back at them.

"No one's leaving this place alive!"

Two katanas formed within the hands of my Susanoo.

This is going to get messy...

Yoshima's P.O.V

I laid on the hospital bed waiting for the ninja to come with results.

"How do you think you did?" Mito asked me.

The ninja entered, "So Lady Yoshima..."

"Everything seems normal, but..."
"But?" I asked confused.

"You seem to have some disturbances in your brain."

I felt my blood run cold.

"What do you mean?"
"Has something bad had happened?"
"Her husband went on a trip and hasn't returned as of yet." Mito said and I glared at her.
"So you are stressed out..." He said.

"I don't want to scare you or anything, but this... It can affect the pregnancy process really badly." He said.
"What are you trying to say?"
"Your child may come out sick, or you can possibly have a miscarriage if you continue to be stressed..."

I felt tears slowly slip out of my eyes.

"Please don't cry.." Mito said holding my hand.

All along, I've been hurting the baby...

"Thank you Mito." I said crying.
"Don't mention it." She smiled softly as I sobbed.

Madara's P.O.V

"Sensei, I knew you were strong, but I didn't know your power was on a whole 'nother level!" Aoi said looking at me a bit frightened.

"Madara Uchiha...  You have saved our village.  We are now free to do whatever we want.  We don't want to rely on you anymore." Kaede said.
"Go home and be with your pregnant wife and little child old man!  Do you think we forgot you had them?!" Aoi yelled crossing his arms.
"Stubborn kid." I muttered.

"Your wife must be worried.  Please tell her we apologize for keeping you here for so long.  Please give this to her.." Ayano handed me a red Yukata.
"Thank you."  I said.
"No...  Thank you..."

"Farewell Madara." Kaede said hugging me.
"Goodbye Kaede.

"Bye Madara!" Ayano hugged my leg.
"Bye Ayano."

I stared at Aoi who just turned away, "Hmph!"

"I guess I'll be taking my leave." I said turning to walk away.

"OLD MAN!!" Aoi said and hugged me.

He looked up at me and I say tears leaving his eyes.

"YOU BETTER VISIT!" Aoi cried.
"I promise.  I will.  Keep training Aoi...  Goodbye.." I said and started to walk away.

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