Chapter 20: Gotten Over You

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*3 Years Later*

Hashirama's P.O.V

I was making my way towards the battlefield with Tobirama and many other Senju.

We were to fight the Uchiha.

As we slowly made it, I saw Madara leading the Uchiha.  I gritted my teeth..

"Attack!"  And we all entered combat.

Yoshima's P.O.V

"Your healing skills are getting better Yoshima..."  Mother said.
"Since Father won't let me on the battlefield, I need to be somewhat useful.." I said healing an injured Shinobi.
"Sooner or later you might have to go..." I heard her mumble.

I'm pretty sure my mom said I'd be on the battlefield sooner or later.

"Hashirama and Tobirama went out earlier for the battlefield." I said.
She sighed, "They are big boys now.. I don't really worry anymore."
That's true... Hashirama is 16 and Tobirama is 15...
"You've grown too Yoshima..." My mother said. I'm 14.

"I remember back then when you didn't know anything about Shinobi, but now you know so much..." My mother said smiling.

"You know water style, earth style, and you even know how to heal.. You are quiet a prodigy.." She said and I blushed.

"Remember when your father tried to give you an arranged marriaged-"
"Mother, let's please not talk about that.."

As you can guess, the arranged marriage was called off.

We started to hear groaning.
We turned to the door to reveal more injured Shinobi.

"I got it mother!"

Hashirama's P.O.V

"Your hair is quite long and spiky!" I said swinging my katana at him.
"Your hair got long too." He said dodging my attack.
"Let's see if your skills have evolved." He said and I gritted my teeth.
"Wood style! Giant Forest Jutsu!" My right arm turned into a bunch of wood spears going towards Madara.
"Firestyle! Fireball Jutsu!" He burned the spears and my returned to normal.
"So you've learnt wood style! A rare Kekkei Genkai!" He said with a smirk and stared at me.

"I guess I have to use this." Madara said activating his Sharingan.

Tobirama's P.O.V

I was fighting Izuna.. We were both using katanas.

"Hashirama will never beat Madara!" He said smirking. I ignored him and focused on taking him down.

"Gaahhhh!" I heard Hashirama scream in pain.
I turned to reveal him on the ground while Madara was trying to stab him with a Kunai.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and blood left my lips.

"You should pay attention to me!" I heard Izuna's voice from behind. He stabbed me with the Katana.

I coughed out blood and dropped on the ground as the Katana was removed from my body.

"Tobirama!" I heard Hashirama's voice.
"Dammit... Dammit!!!" I muttered realizing my sight was getting blurry.
"You'll die here Tobirama Senju!" Izuna said.

I won't die here!

I picked up myself.
"H-How are you still standing up?!"
"I won't die. Especially by the hands of an Uchiha!" I screamed and ran to Izuna.

Butsuma's P.O.V

Hashirama and Tobirama were out in a battle while Iwa and Yoshima were healing the injured men.
I smirked.. I'm really proud of them.

"Clan leader!  We have bad news!" One of the Shinobi ran in.
"What is it?"
"We have too much injured men on the battlefield!" He said and I frowned.
"Aren't the medical ninjas on the battlefield?"
"There is one left... The Uchiha took them out once they got the chance.."
"Tobirama has been injured too!  We fear he might not make it out-"
"Send another troop of Medical ninjas on to the battlefield!" I yelled.  I can't let Tobirama die.

Iwa's P.O.V

"Clan leader needs a troop of medical ninjas on the battlefield!" A Shinobi ran in.
"What happened?"
"There are too much injured Shinobi on the battlefield!"
I gave him a confused look, "What happened to the medical ninja?"
"I'm afraid there's one left.."
My hand slapped the wall, "What?!"
"What happened to Tobirama and Hashirama? Are they okay?" Yoshima yelled.
"I'm afraid Tobirama is injured..."
"I'm going!" Yoshima yelled.
"What?!" I yelled staring at her.
"Tobirama is hurt! I'm going to help him!" She said and I gritted my teeth.
"If Tobirama got injured, what will happen to you, Yoshima?!" I yelled.
"I don't care what happens!" She ran out.

Yoshima's P.O.V

Tobirama is my brother and I love him so much!
I don't care if I get hurt!

"Is the battlefield close?" I asked and the man nodded.

Tobirama... Just hang in a little longer...

Hashirama's P.O.V

Tobirama was injured bad... I need to get him to safety, but I'm fighting Madara!

I don't know how he's still standing.

Maybe I can trick Madara with a clone..

I tried to weave signs, but he kept stopping me.

"He will die! You can't do anything about it! I won't let you!" Madara said smirking.

"KYAAAAHHHH!!!!" The ground below was destroyed. I smirked and jumped back.

Madara's P.O.V

This... Yoshima did this...

I jumped back with Izuna.
My eyes widened, but quickly closed.

I watched her retrieve Tobirama.

She's grown quite a lot.. Her hair has gotten longer, she's gotten curvier, and taller.

She laid Tobirama down and started to check his pulse and she started to heal him.

"A medical ninja, huh..." I smirked. You are full of surprises Yoshima.

"We need to leave." Yoshima said, and Hashirama nodded.
"No you won't!" Izuna said running towards them.

"Retreat!!!" Hashirama yelled and the Senju threw smoke bombs and were gone.

"That one girl caused so much damage..." I heard from my clan mates.

Yoshima on the battlefield will be quite interesting.

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