Chapter 23: Rivalry

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Yoshima's P.O.V

Mother stared at Izumi and gritted her teeth as their Katana's hit.

"It's your fault...  That it's like this.." She growled and Izumi smirked.
"Just because I killed your brother?"  M-Mother had a brother?!
"Die Izumi!!" Mother yelled.  Mother tried to hit Izumi from above but Izumi moved out of the way.

"Come on Iwa...  I was an only child.  Our clans were at war.  My father expected a lot from me." Izumi said with a smile.
"Idiot!!  What are you smiling about?!"  Mother said throwing a Kunai at Izumi.  Izumi dodged it.
"Pathetic!"  In a quick second, Izumi was beside mother and stabbed her.

"Mother!"  I yelled running to her.

"Stop!  Don't interfere!"  Mother said as blood spilled from her mouth, causing me to stop.

Izumi jumped away pulling out the katana and Mother dropped to her knees.

"I can heal you!" I yelled feeling my blood go cold.

"Idiot princess.  Do you think you can save her?"  Izumi disappeared.
"Behind you!" I heard Izumi's voice.

I turned to see the katana come towards me.  My eyes widened as I watched it play in slow motion.

"Water Style!  Water Shock Wave!"  Mother said appearing behind me sending a large amount of water towards Izumi.

Izumi hit a tree, and landed on her face.

"Mother!" I heard Madara yell.  I turned to him and he looked scared.  He caught me staring and I felt heat on my cheeks.  I gritted my teeth and blushed and he blushed and frowned.

I turned back to mother.

She kneeled and started to heal the part she got stabbed.

"Yoshima, don't interfere.  She's mine!"  Mother said while she healed herself.
I sighed, "Ok."  I said as Izumi got up growling and gritting her teeth.

Madara's P.O.V

"Isn't it ironic that we joined enemy clans?"  My mother said staring at Iwa.
"It must've been destiny."  Iwa said and they started to fight again.

Mother almost killed Yoshima.

I don't know how I really feel about that.

I felt my heart stop at the moment she swung the katana.

It started beating again when Yoshima's mother saved her, but that ended up hurting my mother.

Yoshima was staring at me after I yelled for my mother.  Why?

I saw a katana come at me, but I diverted it with my katana.

"You are my opponent Madara!"
I gritted my teeth, "Hashirama!"

We started to fight.

Butsuma's P.O.V

I sat down as I was reviewing attack strategies.

"It sure is quiet around here..."  I said sighing.

"I hope they all come back unharmed."  I stared out the window.

I started to chuckle, "Of course they will.  They are with Iwa."

"Clan leader!  We have good news!"  A man came running in.

"What is it?!"
"We've took down many Uchiha!  It looks like we are back to leading in the war again." The man said and I started to smirk.  It must've been because of Iwa.

Tobirama's P.O.V

Mother was an amazing fighter.

It looks like she will beat Izumi Uchiha.

"Damn you Iwa!"  Izumi said dropping to the ground.
"You won't win Izumi."

"Fire style!  Fire ball Jutsu!"
"Water Style!  Water Bullet Jutsu!"

The two elements colliding created a fog.

I can't see anything!

I heard punches and kicks.

I saw Izumi jump out of the fog.

As it cleared I saw mother with scratch marks clutching her arm.

"Dammit!" She yelled.

I looked to Izumi who dropped to her knees and coughed out blood.

"Mother stop fighting!"  Madara yelled.
"No!"  She got up, as well as mother.

"I'll put everything I got into this one attack!" My mother yelled weaving hand signs.

Everything she's got?!

Yoshima's P.O.V

Mother was planing her death this whole time!

She started to weave multiple of hand signs, as well as Izumi.

"Fire Style!  Great Fire Annihilation!" Izumi sent fire that was coming towards all the Senju.


"Water Style!  Water Colliding Wave!" Mother took out the fire creating fog around us all.

I couldn't see a thing!

Then a scream was heard throughout all our ears.

The fog cleared.

I saw Izumi, with blood spilling from her mouth as mother's katana was in her chest.

Izumi spat and coughed out blood.

"How? Iwa.. How?"
"You were too careless Izumi.."

"Mother!!" Both Madara and Izuna ran to her side as she dropped on the ground.

Madara's P.O.V

My mother is dying. She laid on the ground looking up.

"We'll get you home quickly! You can rest, get you bandaged up-" I was panicking.
"Madara... Please stop panicking.. She pierced my heart."
"But! We still can-"
"No we can't.. I love you so much Madara. You too Izuna." I looked to Izuna who's eyes widened but quickly closed it accepting what was gonna happen next.
"I wish... I wish I could have grown to see you two with families of your own with lots of kids." Mother smiled.
"Madara... Take care of Izuna..." My mother's eyes closed.
"M-Mother! Mother!!!!!"

It started to rain. I started to sob as the rain fell. I couldn't protect mother.


"Mother!" Yoshima yelled as her mother collapsed on the floor.
"She use too much chakra!" Tobirama said putting her arm around his shoulder getting her up.
"Let's go home." Hashirama said putting his mother's other arm around his shoulder.

They left.

I gritted my teeth..

My mother's dead while their mother collapsed.
My Sharingan activated...

"Madara! Your eyes! It's Mangekyou Sharingan!" He said.

My eyes were throbbing.. I must get revenge.

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