Chapter 32: Advice

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Hashirama's P.O.V

I opened my eyes.
Sunlight burned into my room.
I felt my eyes burn.

"I feel terrible!" I yelled sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"What happened last night?"
"You got extremely drunk, brother.." Tobirama said entering my room.
"Oh.. The party..." I fell back into bed.

"How's Yoshima?" I asked.
"She's fine. She didn't drink, so..."
"How about her and Madara?" I asked and he shook his head.
"They aren't together."
"Wait.. WHAT?!" I yelled and shot up.

"YOSHIMA!!!" I got up and ran to her room.

I slid the door open, revealing her staring out the window.

"Why aren't you and Madara not together?!" I said sitting beside her and shaking her.
"I rejected him." She said and my eyes widened.
"You what?!" I yelled.
"We can't be together."
"How come?!  The war is done!  You are suppose to be together!"
"He killed mother." She said, I closed my eyes and sighed.

I crossed my legs and faced her.

"A lot of things happened in the war that can't be undone.  I'm pretty sure Madara regrets a lot of things he has done.  He was trying to protect his family.  You can't really blame him for his actions.  You've done the same." I said and she sighed.
"Oh well." She said.
"You are so stubborn!  You guys are meant for each other!" I said and she sighed.

I'll make sure they end up together!

"I'm going to see Madara today. How can he make it up to you?" I asked.
"He can't."
"He can't. The damage has been done."

"Do you love him?"
"Do you love Madara?"
She hesitated, "N-No."
"Liar." I muttered.

Madara's P.O.V

I was laid flat on my back on my room floor.
I was pealing the petals of a rose.
The one I once gave Yoshima.

"Yoshima loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me!" I said smiling pealing the last pedal.

I sat up and drank some sake.
Then I fell right back.

"Then why doesn't she want me?!" I yelled at the ceiling.

There was a knock on my room door.

"What is it?!" I yelled.
"Hashirama Senju is here to see you, clan leader."
"Tell him to come another time! I'm not in the mood."
"Are you sure?"

I sat up and threw the sake bottle at the wall. It shattered into a bunch of pieces.

"Dammit!"  I went to go pick up the pieces.
"She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not-"

"You are a monster Madara! You have been consumed by evil!"

Yoshima's crying face came to mind.

I dropped the pieces and held my head, "Dammit!"

Just then I heard my room door slid open, "Madara!"

"Hashirama... I said let's meet another time! Now I-I can't!" I felt my mouth trembling. Tears spilled from my eyes.


"Yoshima doesn't love me!" I placed my hands on the ground as tears continued to leave my eyes.

"Madara!  Calm down!"  Hashirama said rubbing my back.
"It was all because of that night.  I truly lost Yoshima then.  I made her cry so much.  Now she hates me!" I yelled.
"Madara!  Yoshima doesn't hate you!  Please calm down.  Stop stressing!" Hashirama said as I laid down back on the floor.

He helped me up and lead me to my futon.

"I'll clean the mess." He said quickly leaving the room and coming back with a bag and cloth.

He quickly cleaned the pieces and wiped the sake off of the ground.

He sat beside me as I laid down.

"How do you feel about Yoshima?" He asked me.
"I love her."
"How did you feel when she rejected you?"
"Confused, Angered, Upset.."
"Why were you confused?"
"She doesn't want me because I killed her mother, but she also kill Shizuko in front of my eyes.  I still want her even though that happened."
"I see.  I see."

"Why don't you tell her that? Tell her how you feel." He said.
"That will work?"
"Of course it will! Don't hide how you feel!" He said smiling.

I sat up, "Tell Yoshima to meet me on that mountain we once raced on when the sunsets."
"Ok Madara." Hashirama said smiling.

"Why did you come here anyways?" I asked confused.
"That can wait for another day." He said smiling.

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