Chapter 21: Izumi Uchiha

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Yoshima's P.O.V

"How did you leave the house?" Hashirama asked.
"I just...  Left." I said.  Tobirama passed out not awhile ago and now he was on Hashirama's back.
We were on our way home.
"Mother and Father are gonna be mad." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Just then we heard Tobirama cough.
Blood started to spill.

"Put him down.  I'm going to heal him right away!" I said.

His body is giving out.
I must act quickly!

Madara's P.O.V

"It looks like we have the upper hand in the war.." My father said as Izuna and I were kneeled in front of him and our mother.
"It looks like Butsuma might have to rely on his family more." He said smirking.
"What do you mean father?"
"His wife was a Shinobi...  We might be seeing her on the battlefield."
"Maybe I should make my way on the battlefield.."  My mother said smirking.
"I don't think that'd be necessary Mother." I said hoping she would just give in.  I don't want to lose her...
"You think I'm gonna die easily?" She asked placing her hands on her hips.
"No..  It's not that.  I don't want to take any chances." I said and she smiled.
"You are too kind Madara, but I can't let my children fight for me..  It wouldn't be right if you face Iwa." She said.
"I don't want to put you on the battlefield Izumi." Father said to my Mother.
"Iwa is my opponent, Tajima..  If she appears on the battlefield it's time I make my way there too." She said.

"Father?" I heard and turned around to reveal Shizuko appearing in the room.
"What is it Shizuko?" He asked.
"I heard the Senju Princess appeared on the battlefield today...  Why can't I?"
"You just can't.."
"I'm stronger than her..."
Father ignored her comment.

"I almost killed Tobirama today... But Yoshima Senju came and stopes that from happening." Izuna growled.
Father took a deep breath, "First let's see how everything plays out before we make these types of decisions!"

Hashirama's P.O.V

Yoshima was immediately treating Tobirama's wounds.

She looked very exhausted, but determined to make sure he came out alive.

She looked like she was trembling, but didn't let that stop her.

"Tobirama..." I whispered.

I stared at Yoshima.  She has come a long way.  She mastered water style, earth style, and is learning how to be a medical ninja.

Just then Tobirama started to cough, "Tobirama!!"  Both Yoshima and I yelled.
"I'm alive?" He asked in a soft tone.
"Of course you are!" I said with a big smile.

*sniff, sniff*

I turned to see Yoshima almost crying.

"Always have your guard up on the battlefield, Idiot!"  Yoshima said wiping her eyes to stop the tears from escaping.  Tobirama smirked weakly, "Okay Yoshima..."


"Yoshima!  You can't leave so recklessly!"  Father said scolding her.
"But-  But Tobirama was in danger!"  Yoshima argued and father frowned.  Yoshima turned frowning.

Father laughed a bit, "Thank you Yoshima.."
"You saved Tobirama."

Just then father got up and walked towards her, and placed his hand on her head, "I'm so proud my children have come so far.  Especially you Yoshima!" He said smiling. 

That might have been the first time I actually saw father smile.

Yoshima looked up at him and smiled.

"Father!!" Yoshima hugged him.

Yoshima's P.O.V

I was stuck with mother healing soldiers.

"Do we have to keep up with this?"  I asked tiredly.
"I do this all day long, Yoshima!"  My mother said and I frowned.

"Yoshima, if you perfect the healing technique, you'll get this!" My mother pointed to her forehead showing a blue rhombus shape.
"What's that?" I asked confused.
"It's call the Strength of a Hundred Seal.  You will have outstanding powers from it." My mother said smirking.
"H-How do I attain it?" I asked and she smirked.
"You'll figure it out on your own."
"I'll give you one hint...  Perfect the healing technique."
"That's all?"
"Maybe...  Maybe not..."

"Yoshima.." My mother said in a serious tone.
"How do you feel me going to the battlefield?" She asked and my eyes widened.
"We lost many men in the last battle, we need more-"
"Mother, please don't go to the battlefield." I said in a begging tone.
She sighed, "I might have to..."
"What?  Why?"
"If Izumi Uchiha makes her way to the battlefield, I must." She said sighing.
"Who's that?" I asked confused.
"Madara Uchiha's mother..." She said and my eyes widened.  Our whole family has someone on the Uchiha's side they want to fight.  Father wants to fight Tajima, mother wants to fight Izumi, Hashirama wants to fight Madara, Tobirama wants to fight Izuna, and I want to fight Shizuko.
"Why do you have to go?!"
"We have a rivalry that has been going for quiet some time.  It started before I even joined the Senju and before she even joined the Uchiha.  It's only right if I take her down."  Mother said.  I really wonder what happened between them two.

I stared at my mother who now looked disturbed from talking about Izumi.

It looks like something really painful.

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