5) Loki Gets Mad

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(Y/n) was sleeping peacefully one fine morning. It was her day off, and she was making the most of it. She had even put a sign outside for not disturbing her. Any poor fool would heed to her warnings.

Apparently, it became very clear that one fool was a little too foolish.

A finger tapped rapidly against her door.

Tap tap, "(Y/n)," a voice whispered, tap tap, "(Y/n)."

Her eyes snapped wide open, grumpy because whoever decided to mess with her was in for it. Everything was still blurry, but she managed to focus on the small, scraped up bit of plaster on her ceiling while her mind worked itself awake. 

The tapping stopped. 

She pursed her lips, settling down again, bringing her blanket over her neck.

Tap tap. "(Y/n)-"

The woman let out a roar, a literal animal roar. The tapping ceased, as if hesitant.

Tap tap. "(Y/n)?"

"Who is it?" She hissed. 

"It's me, Lady (Y/n). Can I come in?" Thor whispered from the other side of the door.

The woman looked at the clock. 5 a.m.

Oh, boy.

"Read the sign!"

It went silent again. (Y/n) thought Thor had left, until his voice echoed again. "It says disturbers would be murdered."

That motherfu-

Sucking in a breath, (Y/n) asked, "and who are you?"

"I'm Thor."

She untangled herself and sat up, combing her hair down with her fingers, grumbling, "get in, you idiot."

The door cracked open and Thor's blonde head popped through, beaming. "I swear to the Norns, I have a good reason."

She wasn't amused and he noted that, choosing to ease his way in before softly shutting the door. 

"What's so important?"

"Well," Thor, a small smile crossing his lips. "It's my brother's birthday."

She paused. That detail wasn't mentioned on Loki's file, and she supposed Asgardians measured time differently than humans. "It seems you won't be murdered after all."

She freshened up in the washroom and came back into her room to find Thor on her chair, twirling his hammer. His eyes followed as she went about in the room. "My, my. Aren't you excited?" He teased.

"It seems murder isn't swept off the table yet."

Thor laughed. "This is Loki's second year as part of the team, and although the others have stopped being so cautious around him, he hasn't fully bonded with them. You, on the other hand-"

"What about me?" (Y/n) cut in sharply.

Thor sent her a strange look. "You have a unique relationship with him. Loki never minds being around you. You're closest to him and I felt you were the initiative for him. He might feel more accepted."

"I'm his handler; it's my job to watch Loki everyday."

"And you're telling me you absolutely detest Loki? That you wouldn't want him to feel welcomed?"

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "I'm guessing Loki has no idea about this?" At Thor's nod, she shook her head. "Did he ever celebrate his birthday on Asgard?"

Thor scoffed. "Of course, he has. He's a prince; they throw a royal ball for him every time."

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now