73) Avengers Endgame: Part-5

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This took me almost four hours to write, but damn, was it worth it.
Art work by the lovely @kawaiilela. Thank you so much for drawing Loki. I'm in love with a domestic Loki.

(Y/n) coughed. There was debris all around her and light barely shone through the cracks. Her head throbbed painfully, but she managed to pull herself to her feet, staggering unsteadily. When she glanced around, she realized that she had fallen somewhere. The place kept shaking as more missiles thundered around them.

"Mayday, mayday!" A voice shouted through the comma. "Does anyone copy? We're drowning!"

She glanced around. She wasn't anywhere near them. Scott replied shakily. "What? Wait, I'm here! Can you hear me?"

A loud groan near (Y/n) made her whip around. Clint was near her, struggling to get up. (Y/n) ran to him, ignoring the way the floor swayed below her. She helped him up. "You okay?"

His response was a strangled sound. She patted his shoulder as he rested against the wall. "You're okay," she confirmed as he nodded. Where were they? The sewers? Underground tunnels? (Y/n) lit her palms and the siblings looked up from where they had fallen. There were the red emergency lights shining behind them, and water seeping through like a stream around the metal grids on the floor.

Clint blinked. "Cap?" He called out. He looked around as she sat down, clutching her head in her hands. The throbbing was reducing, but it still felt like nails being driven into her skull. Clint dug around before bringing up the gauntlet with the stones.

It grew silent. (Y/n) glanced at him worriedly. He slung out his bow and arrow while she powered her hands up. They heard sounds coming from behind them, and they turned, his arrow pointed at the tunnel, backing her up.

She held her breath. Clint released his arrow and a bright light shone as it shot through the tunnel. A swarm of beasts—just like the one from Wakanda five years ago, barreled in.

"Run!" Clint shouted as he hightailed it out of there, glove in hand.

(Y/n) managed to shoot two of them down before leaping after him. The beasts screeched and howled as they chased the siblings. Clint managed to pave the way as his sister protected his six. Every once in a while she would shoot out blasts that shook the tunnels. The creatures leaped and climbed over the walls and rocks like it was play time. Clint reached an area that went upwards. He immediately shot out an arrow that flew up and gripped onto the metal there. He swiveled around and released three arrows simultaneously that hit its targets.

"Get the gauntlet out of here!" (Y/n) shouted. The creatures were barely twenty feet away.

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Be safe!" (Y/n) whipped around and tugged at his rope. It shot him up and he screamed her name. When she turned back, the beasts were much closer. Her shoulders tensed and she allowed more power to flow through her until her skin crackled purple, and she charged towards them with a roar. She fought like a demon, burning them to crisps and avoiding their claws and teeth. Two beasts managed to get past her and make for Clint. She kicked the one she was fighting before rolling backward and sent a hot plasma shot towards the escapees. It struck one right through the heart but the other climbed up. (Y/n) sweated and panted as she worked with the two more left, and then she ran for Clint.

The body of the creature toppled down the shaft and fell on her, making her grunt as she fell to the ground with it on top.

Two arrows stuck out of its body. Clint's head popped from the opening and he saw her arm sticking out. "You okay?" She responded with a muffled grunt. He smirked. "You're okay."

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now