49. Hair, and Pietro (under edit)

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Natasha and Wanda came into the lounge dragging (Y/n) by her feet while she was struggling and wriggling to get a grip on the floor. "Please! I don't want to go!" She wailed.
Just as they passed the couch, her hands latched out and grabbed the leg of the nailed down furniture. The only reason it was nailed down was due to the Avengers' tendencies to make things fly.

Loki, who was perched on that very couch, leaned over to see a red-faced (Y/n) using all her strength to hold herself there. "What's going on?"

"(Y/n)-" Nat grunted as she yanked her, "has to go to get her hair cut."

Loki's brows shot up. "In Asgard, the cutting of hair means slavery. You want (Y/n) to be a slave?"

"Nice try sweet-talking her out of this," Natasha said, "but we're not on Asgard."

"If she doesn't want to cut her hair, why are you forcing her?"

(Y/n) managed to turn her head and send Natasha a smug look, to which the spy leaned over and bit her leg. She yelped and kicked wildly.

It seemed that they didn't notice Bucky, Clint, Thor, and Pietro walk in the room. Bucky threw his arms up and rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, not again..." he stalked to the kitchen to get a drink.

"We'll get ice cream after!" Wanda gritted out.

"You're stooping to bribery?!" (Y/n) shrieked. With a burst of strength, she pulled herself closer to the couch. Natasha yelped as she was bragged along.

Bucky sipped on peach juice, before making a noise, practically gagging. "God, this thing's spoiled." He threw it in the trash before piping up. ""They're right, though. Her hair is absolutely full of split ends and knots."

(Y/n) felt her arms shake. Finally, she gave up and let the girls pull her up. "I give in. But I don't want to choose a hairstyle. You guys do it for me."

"That's fine," Wanda replied.

"And ice cream. With my own choice of toppings."


"And maybe a sundae."

"Don't push your luck." Natasha said, hi aiming her to the elevator.

Loki suddenly stood up. He looked shy before stiffening. "Can I come, too? My hair is rather long. I might need a trim. As does Thor."

"Yes, of course! Who else needs a cut?"

Pietro raised his hand. His silver hand was flopping over his hair in an unruly mess. Bucky also got up, making his way to the others.

"Alright. Let's go. We would have to find a unisex salon though," Y/n) said. She adjusted her creased t-shirt and moved her hand through her hair. Her hand literally got stuck in her hair, and when she tried pulling it out, it stung her scalp. "Ow! Yeah, okay, you're right. This is a mess."


You, Wanda, Natasha, Pietro, Bucky, Thor and Loki were the posse that entered the huge salon one by one, making a few hairdressers drop their instruments.

Natasha went to the reception desk. "Hi. We would all like the special salon treatments."

The receptionist nodded her head. "It's $300 for each person. So $2100, please."

"Woah. That's a lot!" Pietro mumbled.

Wanda went to the front and flashed a platinum card with a smirk. "That's why I swiped Tony's credit card."

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now