43) Food-Off

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In this part, Vision isn't there. JARVIS is the system that runs the Tower and plays a great role in this story.


"Hey, Steve. Can you make me a souffle?" (Y/n) asked, hopping into a bar stool.

Steve was whisking together pancake mix, a dish cloth half-tucked into his pocket. He looked up, his smiling blue eyes seeming focusing on her. With a grin, he said, "no."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know how to make souffle. Maybe Natasha knows."

"Natasha knows what?" Clint asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"How to make souffle."

Clint paused, letting his ego flare up a notch. "Well," he considered, "I know how to make it better that her."

(Y/n) and Steve shared a knowing look. It wasn't a secret that the master spies had an ongoing competition on who's better at everything. So far, Natasha was leading by two points and Clint wanted to do everything to trump her victory.

(Y/n) clicked her tongue at her brother. "I doubt that."

"Who says?" He growled.

"I do." Natasha said, walking in with her hands on her hip.

The elevator rang and Tony walked in, muttering under his breath as he read some information from his tablet. Everyone stared at him. Tony, sensing that something was off, looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Do I want to know?"

"Who do you think is better in making souffle? Nat or Clint?" Steve asked coyly. It was visible that Clint was suiting up for battle.

Tony let out a scoff. "JARVIS, bring everyone to the kitchen, stat. We have an emergency."

"Right away, sir."

Alarms rang out through the tower. Steve and (Y/n) bumped fists discreetly because their plan worked.

Operation Food was a go.

The rest of the Avengers appeared, Bucky rappelling from the roof and jumping through and crashing a window, Pietro running in and then tripping over his own feet, banging his head on the floor, Wanda flew in and landed on the counter in a gangster pose. Bruce came in calmly, as if he was used to this sort of behavior. Loki appeared by teleportation into the room, eyes worried as they scanned the room and landed on (Y/n). He stalked to her and checked if she was alright.

"What's the emergency?" Bucky asked, slightly out of breath as he started unbuckling his rappelling equipment.

Tony noticed an absentee. "Where's Thor?"

A few seconds later, Thor came in, skating on roller blades which were designed with Barbie and pink shiny stickers, squealing happily. "This is most fun! Midgard has the best entertainment." He said, wobbling slightly. He held himself up against a stool.

"What was the emergency?" Bucky repeated.

"I have declared a Food-Off!" Tony presented grandly.

A heartbeat of silence followed, before someone said, "eh?"

(Y/n) took their attention. "Consider this an Avengers Master-Chef."

"Why would we want to do that?" Loki asked.

Steve took charge from there. "We had a dilemma about who would cook the best. Natasha and Clint thought they were better than each other."

Bruce let out a snort, making everyone look with surprise. He blushed. "I-it's just that I think I'm better. I used to work in a high-class restaurant to pay for tuition."

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now