11. Holy Hot Sauce: Part -1

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"And here comes the airplane. Open wide!"

"I'm not a baby!"

"You sure act like it."

"Says the guy spoon-feeding me." (Y/n) deadpanned to Bucky as he continued to try and shove a spoonful of mushed food into her mouth.

"Get that away from me!"

"Oh come on." Pietro sighed and rolled his eyes. He took the spoon from Bucky and stuck it closer to her lips. "Just an itsy bitsy bite!"

"It looks like baby food." (Y/n) protested, leaning away from the spoon as much as possible without straining her arms.

(Y/n) had hurt her arms after sparring with Thor. It was the biggest mistake she had ever made.

"It's actually just a bunch of food we mashed up." Pietro grinned, putting it a little closer.

"I'm not eating that! You can't make me. It's my arms that hurt, not my stomach, that I have to rely on baby food."

"You want to bet?" Bucky smiled, a mischievous look on his face.
(Y/n) was just about to shout for help, when the elevator rang and the doors opened, revealing Clint, Tony, and Steve.

"Why are you feeding my sister mush?" Clint asked.

"That's what I want to know too."

"Guys, let her go and eat proper food. What would you like, (Y/n)?" Steve asked kindly.

Pietro and Bucky has let her go. She scampered away, using Tony as a human shield.

"(Y/n), come out, come out!" Bucky eyed her.
He loved tormenting (Y/n).  She shuddered and gripped the back of Tony's shirt tightly.

"Help me." (Y/n) whispered.

"It's okay, little dragon. I shall protect you." Tony gestured, and then pushed her away.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "How chivalrous."

"Come on, (Y/n). Just a bite. "

Fortunately for her, (Y/n) sensed Pietro running, and she dodged, running to the lounge.

She flung herself onto the couch, letting out a yelp when she had landed on Loki's lap. She turned red, immediately pushing herself off him.

Loki smiled tightly at her weak grin. He was quite surprised, not displeased, that she thrown herself at him, but this wasn't the situation he had had in mind when he pictured her laying on him.

"(Y/n), what bothers you?"

He was nervous. Well, that's a first.

The familiar candy scent wafted to her nose. Without second thought, (Y/n) jumped back to Loki and crawled behind him.

"What are you doing, (Y/n)?" He asked, his voice as steady as a horse running through a meadow.
Albeit, he was still in the dark about her sudden need for physical contact. Yet, he didn't mind at all.

Loki nearly growled at his thoughts. Why couldn't his thoughts just go away when he needed them to?

"Save me. Candy man's making me eat mush."

(Y/n) felt Loki tense up as she clung to his shoulder. Her nails digging into his skin made him want to push her away, but he never had the chance for contact until now.

"Where are you? I'm going to get you, (Y/n)!" A creepy thick accent flowed though the air. She cowered even more, if it was possible.

A sudden scream was heard from Pietro.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now