52. Details of the Relationship

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Alright, because of the large number of stories, and the ideas that popped out of me, I felt like I didn't have much left to make you guys laugh.
And because of the fantastic and stupid app Tumblr that ruined my life, I found many cannons and prompts to write on. Some might be familiar, some might be mine.

In conclusion- I'm not ending the book, like I had planned before because my readers pulled me out of retirement twice (thanks, guys -_-), but the book won't be as original as usual, still I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless.

Among the many couples and relationships that had happened in the premises of the Avengers Tower, no one had ever encountered one like yours and Loki's.

And welcome to another episode of the Avengers, main characters including our very own favorite mischief-making Norse god- Loki Laufeyson, and You, my dear reader.
Supporting characters are The Avengers.
Guest Star- Sam Wilson as the Falcon

Let's begin before the couple had even gotten together.
Sometimes the incidents that happened before they realized each other's feelings were pretty romantic.

And freaky.

It was a bright and beautiful morning, most of the Avengers in the Tower were still resting, except for two people.

Sam Wilson moved into the lounge with a hairbrush, sliding on the bare floor with his socks. "So, tell me what you want, what you really, really want!"

Bucky slides in after him expertly, also holding a hairbrush to his face, and sang, "I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!"

"Then tell me what you want, what you really, really want!"

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!"

"I wanna, I wanna-"

"I want you to shut up, you idiots!" Loki roared as he entered the room, hair in a mess and dark circles under his eyes.

Sam and Bucky stopped sliding around the room to look at Loki, who was rubbing his eyes, still in his pajamas.

Sam glanced at Bucky slyly, and then slid to Loki, pulling his hand along. "So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!"

Loki had let out a shriek and tried to pull away from Sam, but Bucky latched onto his other hand, the pair dragging Loki as they skated and screamed in song.

"Let me go, you infernal mortals!" Loki shouted angrily, and tried to stop sliding, but unfortunately he was wearing socks too, and couldn't.

You walked into the room cheerfully, and your smile widened when you saw Loki being dragged while he protested as the other men kept singing the song.

You held out your hands and Bucky caught on to you, the four of you sliding along the smooth floor.

"This is amazing!" You shouted, until Bucky and Sam did the most clever thing ever.

They joined your and Loki's hands and let go, sliding away as you and Loki screamed in terror, both of you moving out of control until you tripped on a nearby rug.

You fell on you back with a short, surprised yell and Loki landed on top of you, slamming the breath out of your lungs.

You groaned, having the desire to punch Bucky and Sam, who were laughing.

"Get off me," you wheezed, trying to push Loki off.

The man pushed himself on his hands, hair falling and tickling your face, and his eyes widened at the proximity.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now