42. A Long Overdue Therapy Session

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This shot has insinuations of suicide and death. In no way do I ever ever promote suicidal thinking as such. If anyone at all feels in such a state to hurt oneself, or has suicidal thoughts, talk to me. I'll always make time for you guys.

If anyone knows someone who is depressed, or feels bad, I request you to talk to them. Make them smile. Pray for them to feel better. Everyone deserves to be happy. Being depressed without telling anyone sucks. Just always pray for people, even those who might not deserve it.


Fury stood in front of the Avengers, arms crossed over his chest. "My decision is final."

Tony scoffed. "Yeah, sure."

"Mr. Stark, do you even realize the consequences of the stunts you had pulled? It was careless, selfish, and dangerous. The Avengers having a Civil War among themselves practically begs for my solution."

Everyone was seated in a Conference room, indignant at the thought of Fury's suggestion.
Wanda scowled. "If anyone gives the word, I can mess with his mind."

Steve held up a hand. "I think Fury is right. We do need this."

A few voices rose in disagreement, but a few agreed as well.

"Well, only a few of you do. Pietro, Thor, Bruce, (Y/n), and I weren't even there." Loki said, trying to salvage whomever he could.

(Y/n) grinned at him, holding his hand under the table. Ever since they became a couple, they didn't have time to spend with each other due to the time spent for sorting out the priorities of the Avengers.

Fury let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, and on your previous mission, you definitely didn't race on ostriches. Which begs me to ask the question, who brought the ostrich back?"

Pietro not-so-subtly pointed to (Y/n).

"His name is Bob." Loki said proudly.

"And he is the best ostrich I could ever ask for."

"And who gave the idea for an Animal Squad?"

"Did you see Bob out there? He kicked butt!" Bruce replied enthusiastically. He had been a fan of their encounters on the mission. He never knew he had a deep respect for ostriches until Bob came along.

"That's it! You are all going!"

"But I didn't do anything!" Thor whined, munching three pop-tarts at once.

Everyone turned to look at him. He paused. "What?"

"With your pop-tart addiction, I think you do."

Natasha stood up, slamming her hands on the table, Clint backing her up. "Nick, the Avengers are not going for therapy!"


"And the Avengers are in therapy." Tony muttered with a roll of his eyes.

They sat quietly outside in the waiting room, nervous for the therapy appointment.
Apparently Fury had gotten into Tony's system and programmed the robot boots to persuade them to attend the session.
Tony really needed to disable them.

He managed to fit Team Captain America and Team Iron Man in two different cars, mostly for the benefit of Tony who wanted to strangle Bucky whenever he was in range.
The remaining Avengers went in another car.

Apparently the therapist Fury had chosen dealt with traumatic stress and Couples Therapy. 
Did this seem like one of those occasions, for Tony and Steve?

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now