58) Ragnarok Part-4: Achievements Unlocked~ Obtain Power, Get a Fiancee

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(Y/n) stood by her new ship, which seemed to be quite pleasant to the eye. At that moment, her eye was twitching slightly, and she couldn't figure out why.

Maybe it was the fact that she was scorned by her friends, or that she was dead to her family, or that Thor and Bruce were going to their deaths, or just maybe, she needed to get her eyes checked.

The Grandmaster had agreed to her request, mostly because (Y/n) nearly killed everyone in the room and almost destroyed the building. It was like she couldn't control herself, her body felt like it was fueled on unadulterated hate, her fingers were tingling, and it was only then did a certain memory occur to her.

When she had been tested right after being experimented on by Strucker, Bruce had gone deathly pale. He had warned (Y/n) that her situation, in a way, was like the Hulk himself. She needed to grasp her emotions well, failing to do so, she might be a danger to everyone around her in ways unknown.

The dragon side of her wasn't an alter-ego like Hulk, but rather it was a release for her emotions. Of course, Bruce was quite inconclusive because it was all new to him.

(Y/n), in the past few days, had kept all her overflowing feelings of burden under lock and key. Except that the walls were breaking. And she knew it.
She could feel her fingers itch for a release. Every small thing she would recollect made her eyes fill with tears, but she pulled back immediately.
Best to be detached from her emotions, she thought. She had had enough of hurt in the past few days.
She tucked that thought away.

She opened the hatch, impressed at its layout. That would do well.

The elevator of the spaceships' bay opened with a smooth whoosh, and screams of "Get help! My brother is dying!" made her bring out her weapon, a laser gun, which seemed quite harmless at first glance; fun almost. She had played with it before, and realized that it was dangerous only after she cut a ship in half with the laser.

(Y/n) ran into her ship, inhaling the sharp iron and leather scent, and she sat in the pilot seat, watching through the window as a couple of guards were laying unconscious.

And right at the center of the chaos, was Loki angrily brushing off himself as he got up, while Thor looked quite happy.

"Classic," Thor grins.

"I still hate it," Loki replied, "it's humiliating."

"Not for me, it's not. "

(Y/n) watched them, a small smile playing on her lips without her consent. It did feel good to see them working together, and that Loki seemed to be his old self again. And again, tears filled her eyes. She blinked them back, taking a deep breath.
Her gaze hardened at a thought. How long would it take for Loki to betray him? She couldn't trust Loki's intentions one bit.

And especially when he seemed so comfortable here in Sakaar. She didn't want to admit that seeing the brothers together, yet without her, stung her. But this was her choice, and-

Oh, there we go, (Y/n) thought, leaning forward as she saw Loki split from his illusion easily. It didn't take long for betrayal after all.

(Y/n) grinned as she exited her ship, just in time to see Thor electrocute a surprised Loki. She leaned back against the ship—The Commodore, the one Thor was about to steal.

Thor smiled down at his brother, flinging the remote for the tag elsewhere. Loki grunted, his veins popping as he shook. "Oh brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go." Thor continued to "think about it" for a beat while Loki convulsed in agony on the floor. Finally, Thor kneeled down.
"See, Loki, life is about-it's about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just want to stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more."

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