26. Off To Asgard: Day - 6

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"Lady (Y/n), the Queen requests yours and Lady Jane's presence after the mid-day meal." A servant who had approached (Y/n) stolidly relayed the message.

"Okay," she responded, unsure as to what the Queen would need with them. "Tell her we will be there." 
The servant immediately curtsied and then almost ran from sight. (Y/n) shrugged nonchalantly, and the three of them continued their journey.

"I wonder what that was about" Thor boomed out, taking the poise of the statue, The Thinker. 

"Oh, really? Because we weren't wondering that at all." Loki rolled his eyes.

They reached the hall, where the huge doors were opened by the guards. (Y/n) nodded at them with a smile, receiving a courtesy, much to her delight.  
She had always found small gestures very pleasing and rapturous. (That's right. I went there. I said rapturous.)

Thor rubbed his palms eagerly, licking his lips.

"Let's eat!" 


Knock. Knock....


(Y/n) shared a glance with Jane as she shrugged her shoulders. She knocked the door.

*Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock*

"YES! COME IN, BY ODIN'S NAME!" A voice screamed from inside.

With shaky hands, (Y/n)prepped herself for whatever was going to happen when she opened those doors.

"Why are you standing there like you want to make out with the doors?" Jane suddenly asked.  

(Y/n)blinked. "What?"

"Just get in."

(Y/n)entered, completely forgetting that the Queen had screamed before. She bowed before her and she nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hey, uh, do we have to bow every single time?" (Y/n) mumbled, scratching her jaw. "Because we could get serious back problems. I mean, I bowed at least seven times today." 

Frigga cut her rambling off with a light laugh. She arranged her skirts daintily. (Y/n) watched her with an unknown admiration-maybe the way she carried respect that demanded authority in the nicest way possible. 

Jane took a seat on a welcoming couch laid from across the queen, her also adjusting herself pleasantly. (Y/n) self-consciously played with her own flowery skirt. She had cared to spruce up the features just enough, but not so much that she would look gang-banged by Crayola. 

She went to seat herself next to Jane, but the Queen was not having it. She immediately pulled (Y/n) down to sit on the floor in front of her.

(Y/n) let out a grunt as she landed on the floor, arranging so that she sat cross-legged, arranging her skirt over her legs.

Frigga removed the plaits her hair were put in, and then slowly massaged it.

 (Y/n) had an odd feeling that Frigga was doing this to get something out of her. She didn't seem to bother much because Frigga had the talents of a five-star masseuse. 

"So, (Y/n)," she started sweetly, "how are you and Loki?"

She jerked a bit. "Ow. Is this what you called me here for?"

She blushed. "No, we would never! Right, Jane?" She glared pointedly at the woman, who instantaneously nodded her head, her eyes averting from (Y/n)'s.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now