67) Toy Story: Avengers' Edition Part-4

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(Y/n) had rung the bell, ignoring the Lokis' banter. They had already made it clear that they needed her to save reality, or something else that she didn't buy.
But Loki said that she would help save the Avengers. To add to the incentive, they said that she was the only person who could.

And (Y/n), who had always wanted to be that person, reluctantly agreed. After all, they had kidnapped and threatened her. But what they asked of her was harmless, and it was then that she realized she was justifying their horrible actions.

Before she could back away, she heard a click and the door swung open. Her eyes darted to the bushes, where she could hear a little chatter, but Loki and Cloki had concealed themselves. A woman stood before her, and a child peered from her side. They shared similar chestnut hair and brown eyes, and she looked as loving as a mother could be.

(Y/n) plastered on her best smile. She had practiced what to say in the car, when she was held at knife-point by Cloki. She remembered how Loki's face twisted into a scowl and he nearly shoved Cloki out of the moving vehicle.
But the message was received. She had to do her part.

"Good afternoon, Maam," she started. She tried to level her voice into something less forceful. "I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, but-"

"Mrs. Kelsey?" Andy asked in confusion.

"Oh!" The woman cut off. "I'm Mrs. Davis! Do you teach Andy?"

(Y/n) nearly grimaced. She hadn't even known the child attended the same school she taught in. Her previous water plumber excuse wouldn't work then.
"No," she smiled. "But-"

"Come in!" Mrs. Davis greeted as she pulled (Y/n) in the house. Andy scampered off into the living room and he didn't even notice the absence of the toys that had been on the coffee table.
(Y/n) made herself comfortable on the couch and waited as the woman went to bring a drink. Andy sat nearby and smiled at her politely. She hoped it gave Loki enough time to get into the house.

Their plan was that Loki and Cloki would break into the house while she kept the family distracted. Then, they would make a bigger distraction—Cloki suggested fireworks and necromancy, but was shut down by Loki immediately— and instead, she had opted for a less dangerous plan. They would probably pretend to be burglars, at which she could escape to search the house of the weapon.

It seemed like a very good plan. Cloki was sulking the whole time, but wen given the option of staying back in the car, he chose to join Loki.

Her eye caught a small, subtle movement from the corner of the couch. Andy turned to the television, so he hadn't seen it, but (Y/n) did.
She noticed a small leg stuck outside. It was slowly moving away from her sight, and her brows rose. As quietly as she could, (Y/n) scooted to the end of the couch and slowly peered over the edge.

The Avengers looked up back at her, equally confused and frozen. One of them— the Winter Soldier— seems to be unconscious, who had been dragged by Captain America. Only Hawkeye seemed to smile. He opened his mouth and-

"Would you like your water with ice?" Mrs. Davis piped up, nearly startling (Y/n) out of her wits. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tried not to let her gaze wander to the side of the couch where the Avengers played dead.

"Uh," she struggled to say, "yes! I'd like some!"

Mrs. Davis sent a smile her way and disappeared into the kitchen. (Y/n) looked over the couch again and sent a bewildered gaze.

"Hoist me up!" Clint whispered.

She shook her head disbelievingly, checking if Andy was paying attention. Clint gestured forcefully, and finally she relented, scooping him in her palm and quickly tucking him on her shoulder, where her hair covered him. Barnes was hoisted over Thor's shoulder. The tiny Avengers made their way outside the house as stealthily as possible after saluting Clint with good lucks and cheers.

Taking Care Of The Avengers (Loki x Reader) (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now